Court rules Google used monopoly power illegally | DW News

The US Internet giant Google has lost a major antitrust case in the USA. District Court Judge Amit Mehta found Google guilty of guilty of anti-competitive behavior. In order to maintain its search engine monopoly, Google does not allow competing companies to operate. Google thus violated US antitrust law. Solicitor General Merrick Garland praised the ruling as "a historic victory for the American people. No company, no matter how is above the law.
According to the ruling, Google has spent billions of dollars to ensure that device manufacturers favor Google as a search engine. 94.9 percent of online searches on mobile devices are done with Google. Google’s dominance is so pronounced that it may not even have to consider the prices of competing companies when setting its advertising prices.
Chiponda Chimbelu of DW Business analyzes the ruling and its implications.


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News post in August 6, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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