Remarks by the President at Reception Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May 24, 2010 Washington, DC
Remarks by the President at Reception Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
East Room
3:50 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you so much. It is wonderful to see all of you — some of you back for the second time. Some of you work for me, so you’re here all the time. (Laughter.)
I want to, before I start off, acknowledge that we’ve got just some outstanding members of Congress who are always fighting the good fight for the AAPI community. It starts at the top, though, and I want to give a huge welcome and big round of applause for somebody who will go down as one of the greatest Speakers in our history — Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Applause.)
I want to thank Father Vien for his introduction. He’s led Mary Queen of Vietnam Church in Louisiana through some pretty hard days. After Katrina, he served not only as a spiritual advisor but also as a community organizer, making sure his parishioners got the help that they needed. In fact, shortly after returning to New Orleans, when much of the city was dark, he convinced the utility company to divert electricity to the neighborhood around his church. So nobody messes with Father Vien. (Laughter.) He tends to get what he wants.
Today, as communities in the Gulf face new hardships as the result of this ongoing oil spill, he’s once more taken up the cause of his community. He’s advocating on behalf of the many Vietnamese and Cambodian Americans and others who make their living shrimping and fishing. And I want him to know that we are going to be tireless in working to do everything we can to support the community and everybody whose livelihoods have been imperiled down in the region. (Applause.)
I want to not only thank all the members of Congress who are here — I think Ric Shinseki may be here; has he made it yet? He may be late. Give Ric Shinseki a round of applause anyway because he’s doing a great job as our Secretary of Veterans Affairs. (Applause.) I want to thank DJ Rekha who’s been spinning a little East Room Bhangra for everybody — (applause) — mixing a hip-hop beat with the sounds of her heritage; making a uniquely American sound that may not have been heard in the White House before. (Laughter.)

But, you know, that speaks to the promise of this country — a nation that welcomes contributions from all peoples, all colors, all creeds. We draw strength from the rich tradition that everybody can call America home because we all came from somewhere else except for the first Americans. "E pluribus unum." Out of many, one. And there’s no better example of this than the communities that are represented in this room. Your role in America’s story has not always been given its due. And many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have known tremendous unfairness and injustice during our history.
And for this reason, we are here today to celebrate these contributions. But we’re also holding this event because I want to make sure that we are hearing from you — so that the government does its part on your behalf, just as you’re doing your part on America’s behalf.
These are the essential elements of comprehensive reform, and I’m going to work with members of both parties to get it done. It may not be the easiest thing to do politically. But I also know that it is the right thing to do for our country.
So thank you so much, everybody, for being here. God bless you. God bless America. Thank you. (Applause.)
4:00 P.M. EDT


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