Paris mayor, spectators reflect as Olympic triathletes swim in Seine River after days of uncertainty

(31 Jul 2024)

Paris – 31 July 2024
1. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo walking down Paris street
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Anne Hidalgo, Paris Mayor:
"Today, it’s beautiful and people here are happy. The fact that we’re able to do things that seem extraordinary, that are so because the Seine was, for years, considered like a sewer. In people’s collective imagery, here in Paris and elsewhere, reconquer and clean this river seemed impossible."
3. Crowd watching triathlon
4. SOUNDBITE (French) Anne Hidalgo, Paris Mayor:
"To crown this with a French gold medal in the girls’ race, I think, like (IOC President) Thomas Bach said, it’s the icing on the cake."
5. Crowd watching triathlon
6. SOUNDBITE (French) Anne Hidalgo, Paris Mayor and Marc Guillaume (right), Paris region prefect:
"I won’t say that there’s something called luck in life but in any case I had trust in the work that we had done – (Guillaume:) The storm came close but, like the Mayor said, we had luck on our side. (Hidalgo:) We had luck on our side but no, I wasn’t nervous. You know, we’ve had to meet challenges and unexpected events that turn your life upside down so we’re used to march on with very strong contrary winds."

Paris – 31 July 2024
7. Various of tourists and fans by triathlon course
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Roz (no last name given), sports fan from London, UK:
"We were planning to come first thing but we thought that the rain at night would mean that it was cancelled but it wasn’t so we rushed down. We got the metro down and then we’ve just been watching it along there and we saw the ladies going through on their bikes and now they’re running through and the cheering and the atmosphere is fantastic. The security – everybody’s feeling safe and happy."
9. Paris 2024 banner
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Roz (no last name given), sports fan from London, UK:
"I think it was very exciting (that organisers held the swimming leg in the Seine river). It was very brave. I think Hoorah that they’ve done it because the water that fell last night, the rain last night, won’t have contaminated it until later and then it stopped raining, the sun’s come out and it’s brilliant!"
11. Police patrol outside National Assembly
12. Belgian fan with colourful attire
13. SOUNDBITE (French) Laurent Villefranque, tourist from South of France:
"At first, like everybody, I think we were skeptical. Today, they gave the go-ahead after seeing the tests so I think that it’s the right conditions to have a nice race and in good conditions for athletes. (Reporter: Do you think it adds to…?) Yes, if they’d had to cancel and switch to a cycling/running competition as they said they might, it would have been a pity and it would have made it less interesting for athletes."
14. Wide of Paris 2024 banner and man on phone
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Nathan Dutton, amateur triathlete from Utah:
"I think it’s a super cool place to do it in the downtown of Paris. There was obviously some concerns about the quality of the water which I would be concerned about. In the end, it’s the Olympics so if you’re going to get sick for one race in the year, it’s this race. I mean maybe they could have had a back up plan if they know that they were going to have problems, it could have been cool to see them do it in somewhere like Nice and show off some of the cool Southern French Coast but seems to have worked out."
16. French flag on top of building
The Olympic triathlons got under way Wednesday after days of delays and uncertainty over water quality concerns in the Seine River.

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News post in August 5, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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