Olympics bet against climate change with swimming in Seine and may lose. Scientists say told you so

(31 Jul 2024)

Paris, France – 30 July 2024
1. Various of Seine River

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 30 July 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Metin Duran, Engineering Professor, Villanova University:
“Within the last couple days, the training for the triathlon was cancelled and they’re not sure if it’s going to go on.”

Paris, France – 30 July 2024
3. Tight of Olympic rings on Eiffel Tower

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 30 July 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Metin Duran, Engineering Professor, Villanova University:
“They just gambled, flipped the coin, and hoped for a dry season, and it turned out to be the rainiest in the last 30 years. Someone should have expected this, and I’m sure that they had an idea that this was likely to happen.’

Paris, France – 30 July 2024
5. Boat on Seine

Paris, France – 26 July 2024
6. Various of spectators leaving opening ceremony early due to heavy rainfall

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 30 July 2024
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Metin Duran, Engineering Professor, Villanova University:
“What we’re seeing within the last couple of decades is more frequent and more severe storm events. We used to talk about 10-year storms, 100-year storms, and within the last two decades, due to climate change, we’re seeing 10-year storms almost every year, we’re seeing 100-year storms every other year. Rain events are more frequent and more severe. So these underground tanks typically don’t have enough capacity to hold this much rain. That’s why we see more and more sewer overflows.”

Paris, France – 28 July 2024
8. Various of wastewater inside Paris sewers network

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 30 July 2024
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Metin Duran, Engineering Professor, Villanova University:
“There’s no quick fix to this issue. It’s a long-term problem. You should start addressing the climate change in the first place, and perhaps airing on the side of caution to protect the athletes. Yes, it’s low risk, but it’s a risk in the end it’s going to take a long time to solve these issues all over the world. Not just Paris, but everywhere."

Paris – 26 July 2024
10. Wide of athletes traveling by boat during opening ceremony
11. Team Ivory Coast wave their flag from their boat during opening ceremony

Paris, France – 30 July 2024
12. Various of Seine
With plans for athletes to swim the Seine River through the heart of Paris, Olympic organizers essentially bet against climate change’s extreme weather. Now it’s looking like they’ll lose — by ditching the swimming portion of triathlon races.
And some scientists and engineers are saying told you so.

Heavy rains — something that’s increased with human-caused climate change, especially in Europe — running off from the urban environment have left the Seine too full of waste, including fecal matter, for athletes to compete. Unless E. coli levels fall to safe levels in coming days, a signature part of the Olympics will be washed out. So will an expensive facelift to the Parisian infrastructure that was designed to prevent the problem.

Paris spent 1.4 billion euros ($1.5 billion) to improve the water quality in the Seine, including building a giant basin to capture excess rainwater and keep wastewater from entering the river, renovating sewer infrastructure and upgrading wastewater treatment plants.

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News post in August 5, 2024, 3:04 am.

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