Hardline protesters in Tehran want vengeance for assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh

(31 Jul 2024)

Tehran, Iran – 31 July 2024
1. Pan of protesters chanting "death to Israel" and waving Iranian, Palestinian and Hezbollah flags
2. Mural with picture of Ismail Haniyeh on wall, text reading (Farsi) "Wait for hard revenge!" text in Hebrew reading "wait for severe punishment!"
3. Protester holding picture of Gen. Qassem Soleimani
4. Protesters
5. Protesters chanting "death to Israel"
6. Protesters holding placards with pictures of Haniyeh reading (Arabic): "Congratulations Haniyeh!"
7. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Sadeghi (no first name given), protester:
"Because of the offensive against its guest in its soil, Iran should definitely take a severe revenge and punish the Zionists and American criminals."
8. Various of protesters
9. Protesters chanting "death to America"
10. Various of protesters weeping
11. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) no name given, protester:
"Iranians are known for their hospitality. Because they killed our guest in our home we definitely seek vengeance. God willing."
12. Protesters and mosque

A group of protesters chanted "death to Israel" and "death to America" in Tehran following the death of Hamas’ top political leader.

Ismail Haniyeh was killed Wednesday by a predawn airstrike in the Iranian capital, Iran and the militant group said, blaming Israel for a shock assassination that risked escalating into an all-out regional war. Iran’s supreme leader vowed revenge against Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel “will exact a heavy price from any aggression against us on any front” but did not mention the killing. “There are challenging days ahead of us,” he added.

Israel had pledged to kill Ismail Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders over the group’s Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel that sparked the war in Gaza.

The strike came just after Haniyeh had attended the inauguration of Iran’s new president in Tehran — and hours after Israel targeted a top commander in Iran’s ally Hezbollah in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The assassination was potentially explosive amid the region’s volatile, intertwined conflicts because of its target, its timing and the decision to carry it out in Tehran.

Most dangerous was the potential to push Iran and Israel into direct confrontation if Iran retaliated. The U.S. and other nations scrambled to prevent a wider, deadlier conflict.

In a statement on his official website, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said revenge was “our duty” and that Israel had “prepared a harsh punishment for itself” by killing “a dear guest in our home.”

Bitter regional rivals, Israel and Iran risked plunging into war earlier this year when Israel hit Iran’s embassy in Damascus in April.

Iran retaliated, and Israel countered in an unprecedented exchange of strikes on each other’s soil, but international efforts succeeded in containing that cycle before it spun out of control.

AP video by Saeed Sarmadi


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News post in August 5, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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