US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas to lie in state at Houston city hall

(29 Jul 2024)

Houston – 29 July 2024
1. Wide of people gather outside City Hall to pay their last respects
2. Mid of woman holding a flower stand in line
3. Mid of prayer outside of City Hall. UPSOUND: Holy and the pure. Shine like the radiance of heaven. To the soul of our beloved congresswoman. Sheila Jackson Lee.
4. Mid of people gather outside City Hall
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Eskender Tamarat, Houston Resident:
“Her passion for freedom and human rights is amazing. I mean, we’ve never seen anybody like that."
6. Top-to-bottom tilt shot of City Hall with people waiting in line
7. Mid of people waiting in line
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Eskender Tamarat, Houston Resident:
"I don’t think this is enough. I’m sure there’s some more, but you’re absolutely right. That’s a manifestation of who she was. It’s a manifestation of her love. No matter who you are, no matter where you live, or no matter where you came from, for her, you were one human being. And, she treats you as well."
9. Mid of city officials fill in to pay their respects.
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Bobbie Nickerson, Houston Resident:
“I always had a deep admiration and respect for her because she could speak at spur of the moment. If you call her up, she has something to say. And that’s what I always admire about. I know I got up close to her one time and told her that face to face, and so I had a choice about to come here or not. But the Lord told me to come out here and give my respect and final condolences to Sheila. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.”
11. Various people gather outside of City Jall
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Bobbie Nickerson, Houston Resident:
“That, for me it, would be the song if I can help somebody as I go this way. So she was always there to help somebody in a way that she possibly could.”
13. Mid of people waiting in line
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Phyllis Moss, Houston Resident:
“You know, politicians get in office, and they’re there for a long time, a lot of them. And sometimes they forget why they’re there and they look out for themselves more than for the community. And Sheila Jackson Lee just didn’t do that. Community was first all the time.”
15. Mid of people waiting in line
16. Various flags fly at half mast outside City Hall
Several days of events honoring the life of longtime U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas were set to begin Monday with the lawmaker lying in state in Houston’s city hall.

President Joe Biden also was scheduled to come to Houston Monday evening to pay his respects to Jackson Lee, according to the White House.

“No matter the issue — from delivering racial justice to building an economy for working people — she was unrelenting in her leadership,” Biden said in a statement after Jackson Lee’s death.

The congresswoman, who helped lead federal efforts to protect women from domestic violence and recognize Juneteenth as a national holiday, was 74 when she died on July 19 after battling pancreatic cancer.

Her body will lie in state in Houston’s city hall rotunda for 10 hours on Monday.

The Democrat had represented her Houston-based district and the nation’s fourth-largest city since 1995. She previously had breast cancer and announced the pancreatic cancer diagnosis on June 2.

Mayor John Whitmire, along with members of Jackson Lee’s family and religious leaders, are expected to take part in a prayer service Monday morning on the steps of city hall before the rotunda is opened to the public.

Before being elected to Congress, Jackson Lee served on Houston’s city council from 1990 to 1994.

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