Voters in Venezuela stand in long queues to cast ballot

(28 Jul 2024)
Caracas, Venezuela – 28 July 2024
1. Aerial view of Petare neighborhood, an impoverished neighborhood in Latin America ++MUTE++
2. Various of people queued up outside voting center in Petare ++MUTE++
3. Various of people waiting to vote
4. Trinidad Hurtado, 52, waiting in line to vote
5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Trinidad Hurtado, 52, Voter:
"We have not seen this since 1999 (the year Hugo Chavez became president),
People are really very excited. We do not want any inconveniences, we want everything to be calm and then we are going to celebrate. But I tell you that in all the elections from many years, there weren’t so many people (out voting). I have been voting here in (inaudible) for years.”
6. Various of lines of people ++MUTE++
7. Alexis Seijas waiting in line
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Alexis Seijas, voter:
"They were given a chance to establish a system that benefited people, not to give of us things but to benefit us, in terms of health care, education, healthy economy, that’s what we were asking for and what did they do during these 25 years?"
9. People on the street outside voting center
10. Elderly man walking with cane entering voting center
11. Various of mural of Hugo Chavez outside voting center
12. Various of woman voting
Venezuelans are voting Sunday in a presidential election, the outcome of which will either lead to a seismic shift in politics, or extend by six more years the policies that caused the world’s worst peacetime economic collapse.

Whether it is President Nicolás Maduro who is chosen, or his main opponent, retired diplomat Edmundo González, the election will have ripple effects throughout the Americas.

Government opponents and supporters alike have signaled their interest in joining the exodus of 7.7 million Venezuelans who have already left their homes for opportunities abroad should Maduro win another term.

Polls opened at 6 a.m., but voters started lining up at some voting centers across the country much earlier, sharing water, coffee and snacks for several hours.

Casting her ballot in the Petare neighborhood on the east side of Caracas, Trinidad Hurtado said she hadn’t seen such large numbers of voters headed to the polls since Hugo Chavez became president.

"We have not seen this since 1999 (the year Hugo Chavez became president), people are really very excited," she said.


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