Ecuador’s foreign minister on trial following April’s raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito

(27 Jul 2024)

Quito, Ecuador – 26 July 2024
1. Various of oversight committee
2. Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld with her lawyers at the session
3. Wide of the oversight commission
4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jhajaira Urresta, Assemblywoman who requested Sommerfeld’s impeachment:
“And I publicly justify that this political trial, first and foremost and with much respect, is not personal, even with the Minister. This is a political trial that responds to the non-fulfillment of her functions as a public servant”
5. Urresta during oversight commission
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jhajaira Urresta, Assemblywoman who requested Sommerfeld’s impeachment:
“Because all nations have rejected what you did, an intrusion to the Mexican embassy in the worst way, the most brutal way”
7. Sommerfeld with her lawyers
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jhajaira Urresta, Assemblywoman who requested Sommerfeld’s impeachment:
“What is in your hands this morning is a valuable decision, to dismiss and censure an official, clearly accused of corruption, who has not acted in the favor and interests of the entire nation of Ecuador”
9. Wide of the commission
10. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Gabriela Sommerfeld, Ecuador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs:
“This is a political trial against Ecuador. None of the accusations have to do with the breach of the functions and attributions granted to me by the Constitution and the law, as I demonstrate with the evidence presented with my answers, which have been convincing”
11. Sommerfeld at oversight committee
12. President of the Oversighte Commission Pamela Aguirre (right)
13. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Pamela Aguirre, President, Oversight Commission of Ecuador’s National Assembly:
“And today that the appearance of both the proponent and the questioned official has been given and all the regulations indicated by the Organic Law of the Legislative Function have been complied with, she declared the present session closed, as of Sunday the first day will run for the preparation of the report, which will then be brought to the attention of this Commission and the respective vote will be given (to see if the political trial continues or not)”
14. Various from the end of the session of the Auditing Commission where the issue of the impeachment against the Chancellor is being discussed.

Ecuador’s Foreign minister Gabriela Sommerfeld defended herself against impeachment on Friday as she defending a raid on Mexico’s embassy in April which had severely damaged ties between the two nations.

The Ecuadorian police raided on the Mexican embassy on April 5, detaining former Vice-President Jorge Glas.

Following this Mexico broke diplomatic relations and sued Ecuador before the International Court of Justice in The Hague for violation of its sovereignty.

Gabriela Sommerfeld defended the decision at an oversite committee hearing which lasted more than ten hours.

A full impeachment of the Foreign Minister would need to be approved by a vote in Ecuador’s Assembly.

AP Video shot by Cesar Olmos


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