Dozens of arrests at demonstration in Islamabad against price hikes

(26 Jul 2024)

Islamabad – 26 July 2024
1. Various of police arresting protester
2. Police push protester into van
3. Close of protester looking through van
4. Various of workers chanting (Urdu) “Let the struggle against inflation be faster”
5. Stage with Jamaat e Islami leaders standing; banner reading “Give people their rights”
6. UPSOUND (Urdu) Ammer ul Azeem, Secretary General,of Jamaat e Islami:
“Collect only the real cost of electricity from the masses. End the number of taxes and charges you have imposed including capacity charges, fuel adjustment surcharge and income tax to unburden the people.”
7. Wide pan right from waving flags to protesters at road block
8. Various of roads blocked with containers
9. People on motorcycles crossing over footpaths to reach protest venue
10. Various of Razia Saleem, housewife, mother of three, making breakfast for her family
11. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Razia Saleem, housewife:
“Prices are so high that there are difficulties in every house. There are fights between children as well as between adults. We can’t meet expenses. We can’t meet our children’s needs. How do we make ends meet? Income is much less than expenditure.”
12. Various of Razia Saleem’s family having breakfast
13. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Saleem Awan, Razia’s husband and government employee:
“Everything is expensive: electricity, gas, petrol, flour, rice and pulses, even vegetables. It is becoming harder and harder to run your kitchen. As for other needs like education and healthcare, they are far off.”
14. Various of family having breakfast
Dozens of people were arrested in Islamabad on Friday as the Jamaat e Islami party held a demonstration against high fuel and food prices.

Hundreds of people managed to reach the protest site despite attempts by security officials to block the roads leading to it. The protest was also officially banned from taking place.

Addressing the protesters, Ammer ul Azeem, Secretary General of Jamaat e Islami, criticised the government for overburdening masses with taxes.

“Collect only the real cost of electricity from the masses. End the number of taxes and charges you have imposed including capacity charges, fuel adjustment surcharge and income tax to unburden the people,” he said.

High rates of electricity, gas and petrol have hit low- and middle-income families hard in Pakistan.

“Prices are so high that there are difficulties in every house. There are fights between children as well as between adults,” said Razia Saleem, a mother of three. “We can’t meet expenses. We can’t meet our children’s needs. How do we make ends meet?”

Food prices have also surged.

“Everything is expensive: electricity, gas, petrol, flour, rice and pulses, even vegetables,” said Saleem Awan, Razia’s husband and a government employee. “It is becoming harder and harder to run your kitchen. As for other needs like education and healthcare, they are far off,” he added.

AP Video by Muhammas Yousaf
Production: Muhammad Farooq


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News post in July 31, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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