At least six killed in clashes over disputed election results in Venezuela | DW News

The streets of Venezuela have been ringing to the defiant bangs of pots and pans as thousands protest the result of an election they claim was rigged. Security forces responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. At least six people were killed and dozens wounded across the country. The rallies started after Venezuela’s authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro was handed a third term in office. The opposition claims IT won by a landslide. Amid a wave of demonstrations, Maduro accuses right-wing extremists of stirring up a political crisis, as more people demand change and say they no longer fear the regime’s repression.

For more on the situation in Venezuela, we cross over to its capital Caracas and speak to DW correspondent Oscar Schlenker.

00:00 Protests over disputed election in Venezuela
03:18 Talk with DW correspondent Oscar Schlenker


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News post in July 31, 2024, 3:04 am.

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