Radical British preacher Choudary convicted by London jury of directing radical group

(23 Jul 2024)

ARCHIVE: London – 24 May 2013
1. Wide of Anjem Choudary, Islamist preacher and former head of the radical group al-Muhajiroun, walking in park
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Anjem Choudary, radical Islamist preacher:
(Reporter off camera: "Do you feel any responsibility for having radicalised him?")
"No I don’t think that, you know, I should feel any responsibility apart from my own actions, you know, and I’m not under arrest, I’m not being investigated, so if he was on exactly the same wavelength as me, then he would also be propagating Islam."
3. Wide of park
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Anjem Choudary, radical Islamist preacher:
"I think that you know when people start to for example wear t-shirts which say you know ‘Heroes’, ‘Help for Heroes’ and Muslims see what is taking place in fact in the foreign policy in Afghanistan, in Iraq, you know they’re not really seeing these people as heroes."
5. Wide of park
Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary was found guilty on Tuesday by a London jury of directing a radical group.

Choudary, 57, was convicted in Woolwich Crown Court of membership in a banned organization, the radical Muslim group al-Muhajiroun, or ALM, and for drumming up support for the group.

ALM was outlawed by the British government in 2010 as a group involved in committing, preparing for or promoting terrorism.

Choudary, who was previously convicted of supporting the Islamic State group, denied at trial that he promoted ALM through his lectures, saying ALM no longer exists.

Prosecutors said the group has operated under many names, including the New York-based Islamic Thinkers Society, which Choudary has spoken to.

The Islamic Thinkers Society was ALM’s U.S. branch, said New York Police Deputy Commissioner Rebecca Weiner, who called the case historic.

Choudary was convicted with one of his followers, Khaled Hussein, who prosecutors said was a dedicated supporter of the group.

Hussein, 29, of Edmonton, Canada, was convicted of membership in a proscribed organization.

The two were arrested a year ago after Hussein landed at Heathrow Airport.

Sentencing is scheduled for July 30.


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News post in July 28, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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