France’s Air Force gears up to deploy across the Paris region to secure airspace during Olympics

(23 Jul 2024)

Villacoublay, France – 23 July 2024
1. Various of French Air Force Fennec helicopter circling in air
2. Elite shooter unit commander Jérôme taking seat at back of stationary helicopter
3. Sergeant Major Jérôme sitting in back of helicopter
4. Close up of insignia representing Fennec helicopter
5. SOUNDBITE (French) Sergeant Major Jérôme (last name withheld for security reasons), Elite shooter unit commander:
"It’ll be two of us on board to use it (the anti-drone gun). We deploy into a given zone and we’re going to scramble signals in that given zone and intercept the drone. The distinctive characteristic is that drones are getting smaller and smaller so we might not see it but doesn’t have the slightest impact on the potency of the gun. We might not see them but we can scramble their signal."
6. Sergeant Major Jérôme picking up drone gun
7. Sergeant Major Jérôme holding drone gun
8. Close of Sergeant Major Jérôme’s hands on gun
9. Light panel with message (French) ‘Zone Interdite’ signalling forbidden zone that hangs from side of helicopter
10. Lieutenant Colonel François talking to media
11. SOUNDBITE (French) Lieutenant Colonel François (last name withheld for security reasons) helicopter squadron leader:
"The entire plan is to detect (drones) them early enough so that we can intercept and deal with the threat as far as possible from the Paris region. Our mission is to make sure that Parisians don’t think about anything other than to enjoy the Olympic Games."
12. Various of stationary surveillance PC21 planes
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Brigadier General Arnaud Bourguignon, in charge of air protection during Olympic Games:
"We have to protect against some commercial aircraft that could be used like a weapon but also tourist aircraft that could also be used like a weapon and counter UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle). We see that today there are 3 million UAVs in France and we know that they can be real threats for such an event."
14. Various of control tower and tarmac of base
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Brigadier General Arnaud Bourguignon, in charge of air protection during Olympic Games:
"The opening ceremony is seen like an operation, in the operation and we need to make a special disposal (plan) that has never been imagined in France so the exclusion zone is 150km radius around Paris. It means that all the airports will be closed during 5 hours. There will be no aircrafts in that zone during 5 hours. We will have around 20 aircrafts flying at all time to be ready to intervene in zero (no) time."
16. Various of control room with maps, screens and analysts
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Brigadier General Arnaud Bourguignon, in charge of air protection during Olympic Games:
"With mainly European countries, we often coordinate and cooperate to protect such events. For example, in 2012, we used French AWACS to protect the Olympic Games in London and this time, our British friends came with counter-UAV systems and they help us to protect Paris against drones."
18. Various of control room
France’s Air Force is gearing up to deploy across the Paris region to secure its airspace during the Olympic Games.

The operation, years in the making and unprecedented in scale, will involve hundreds, both in the air and on the ground, from elite marksmen on board helicopters to liaison officers from the Police and the Gendarmerie.

Snipers will, for instance, patrol the skies, armed with scramblers to potentially neutralise attack drones.

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News post in July 28, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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