China MOFA Daily Briefing

(23 Jul 2024)

Beijing – 23 July 2024
Duration: 6’39
Spokesperson: Mao Ning

1. Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah have signed a declaration in Beijing on ending a yearslong rift as they concluded their three-day meeting. Could you introduce more details of the talks?

This is the first time that 14 Palestinian factions have gathered in Beijing for reconciliation dialogue, bringing precious hope to the suffering Palestinian people. The declaration highly appreciates China’s sincere efforts to support the rights of the Palestinian people, end division, and unify Palestine’s position. It emphasizes that an international conference with full authority and broad regional and international participation should be convened under the auspices of the United Nations. It also recognizes the positive and constructive spirit of the Beijing dialogue and agrees to achieve national unity covering all factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
In accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, (the Declaration) agrees to establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and uphold the integrity of the Palestinian territory including the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza. (The Declaration) states that an interim national reconciliation government will be formed and the reconstruction of Gaza will be carried out based on the consensus of all Palestinian factions and the current Basic Law of Palestine. General elections should be prepared and held as soon as possible in accordance with the passed electoral law. The declaration emphasized the pragmatic initiative to form a new National Committee in accordance with the adopted electoral law and agreed to activate and institutionalize the interim unified leadership framework for joint political decision-making, and agreed to establish a collective mechanism for the full implementation of the provisions of the Declaration and to set a timetable for its implementation.
As Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in his speech, the most important consensus of this dialogue is the great reconciliation and unity among all 14 factions, and the core outcome is the clear consent that the Palestine Liberation Organization is the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. The most prominent highlight is the consensus on the post-war governance of Gaza and the formation of a provisional national reconciliation government. The strongest appeal is establishing the Palestinian state of true independence in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.
In his address, Foreign Minister Wang Yi proposed a three-step Chinese initiative to address the plight of the current Gaza conflict. First, promote a comprehensive, durable and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible to ensure smooth access to humanitarian aid and relief. Second, uphold the principle of Palestinian rule in Gaza and work together to promote post-war governance in Gaza. Third, promote Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations and start implementing the two-state solution.
The three steps are interlinked and indispensable. China and Palestine are good brothers and partners with mutual trust. China sincerely looks forward to the early realization of Palestinian national unity and independent statehood on the basis of internal reconciliation among all Palestinian factions. We will continue to make unremitting efforts to that end, together with the parties concerned.

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