Bangladesh army chief says ‘if we all work together, normalcy will return soon’

(23 Jul 2024)

Dhaka, Bangladesh – 22 July 2024
1. Bangladesh army chief walking along with other army officers
2. SOUNDBITE (Bangla) General Waker-Uz-Zaman, Army Chief:
“An anarchic situation was created in the country. Many people’s assets were destroyed so the army was appointed to save it and ensure public security. We were deployed after the appointment. I think some sort of normalcy returned after 48 hours (of army deployment).”
3. Wide of press briefing
4. SOUNDBITE (Bangla) General Waker-Uz-Zaman, Army Chief:
“Give us some time. We have been here for 48 hours. We will need some more time. I believe if we all work together, normalcy will return soon.”
5. Army chief walking with other army officers

Bangladesh army chief said on Tuesday that "some sort of normalcy returned" two days after a court order that scaled back a controversial system for allocating government jobs sparked violent protests.

The country remained without internet for a fifth day and the government declared a public holiday Monday, as authorities maintained tight control despite apparent calm.

This comes after a curfew with a shoot-on-sight order was installed days earlier and military personnel could be seen patrolling the capital and other areas.

The South Asian country witnessed clashes between the police and mainly student protesters demanding an end to a quota that reserved 30% of government jobs for relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971.

The violence has killed more than a hundred people, according to at least four local newspapers. Authorities have not so far shared official figures for deaths.

There was no immediate violence reported on Monday morning after the Supreme Court ordered, the day before, the veterans’ quota to be cut to 5%. Thus, 93% of civil service jobs will be merit-based while the remaining 2% reserved for members of ethnic minorities as well as transgender and disabled people.

AP video shot by Al Emrun Garjon


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News post in July 28, 2024, 9:04 am.

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