Kentucky governor pledged support for Vice President Kamala Harris in private phone call

(22 Jul 2024)


Frankfort, Kentucky — 22 July 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Gov. Andy Beshear, (D) Kentucky:
“The Vice President called me personally yesterday. And called me within a couple hours of President Biden’s announcement, and that meant a lot to me to reach out to me personally and ask for, for my support. I pledged my support to her, and the rest of that conversation, I said would stay between us we have a trust and we’re able to exchange ideas and give advice oftentimes, it’s her giving me advice, sometimes it’s me giving her advice, but it meant it meant the world to have a direct call. (Reporter: Can you say at all whether she mentioned the vice presidency?) I’m not going to get into any of those details but the call was about asking for my support, and I pledged it.”
2. Close of Kentucky flag
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Gov. Andy Beshear, (D) Kentucky:
“I am more than happy serving as governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. I love this job, I love our people. My plan is to serve out my full term. The only way that wouldn’t happen is if I had an opportunity to help Kentuckians in a different way that would bring additional value. I don’t know how the vice presidential process is going to go, but I certainly think what we’ve done here in Kentucky is certainly something that should be a model for the country.”
4. Wide shot of Gov. Beshear
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Gov. Andy Beshear, (D) Kentucky:
“I’ve gotten to know the vice president over the last 3 1/2 years. She is intelligent and strong, but she is also kind and empathetic. She’s gotten to know my kids, and always asks about them by name, which is an easy way to get to my heart.”
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Gov. Andy Beshear, (D) Kentucky:
“We love as our self, and the parable of the Good Samaritan that says everyone is our neighbor, but the leadership we saw during President Trump’s four years were all about pitting an us versus them inside our own country. You know, we ought to be talking about being Americans first and being Democrats and Republicans second. And everybody is exhausted about the constant back and forth. Everything is partisan right now. You’re supposed to pick a team and everything from the car you drive to the beer you drink. Everything suddenly is partisan, and whether it’s in Kentucky or across the country, people are ready to move on from it, to get past it, to lower the temperature and to have an administration where you don’t always agree with them on everything, but you trust they’re not going to embarrass you.”
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Gov. Andy Beshear, (D) Kentucky:
“First of all, Senator (JD) Vance tries to portray himself from Kentucky. I said it earlier, he ain’t from here. He claims that eastern Kentuckians are lazy and and that is offensive to me, and certainly has to be offensive to those in eastern Kentucky. These are the proud coal miners who empowered the country into the Industrial Revolution, created the strongest middle class the world has ever seen, powered us through two world wars. They should be celebrated and thanked and not attacked and looked down upon. And you don’t get to just come to eastern Kentucky a couple of times in the summer, and then maybe for weddings and a funeral and cast judgment on us. It’s offensive.”


The governor said he received a call from Harris on Sunday, within a couple of hours after
President Joe Biden announced he would drop his reelection campaign.

AP Video shot by Dylan Lovan

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News post in July 27, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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