Italians in Bologna react to Joe Biden dropping out of 2024 US presidential race

(22 Jul 2024)

Bologna, Italy – 21 July 2024
1. Medium of Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, central Italy
2. Wide of Piazza Maggiore, Bologna
3. Medium of people walking in Piazza Maggiore
4. Close of fountain in Piazza Maggiore with people in background
5. SOUNDBITE(Italian) Edoardo Calvi, Bologna resident:
"Regarding Biden’s retirement, I more or less expected it, meaning, at over 80 years old, the various gaffes he made caused a lot of political instability to the Democrats, so I expected Kamala Harris, his vice president, or someone else in the upper ranks of his party to take his place, forcibly or not. So, it wasn’t exactly expected, but it was necessary"
6. Medium of people filling bottles at the fountain
7. Wide of people walking in Bologna
8. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Antonella Selleri, Bologna resident:
"So, I think Biden was a good president and he kind of gave me the impression of an old grandpa who knows how to do good things, but occasionally gets “confused”. I hope the Democrats have more chances. I didn’t really have a strong opinion on whether he was doing well or poorly. I hope that at this point the spotlight of public opinion is on the Democrats and that they can recover from their current polling and have more chances"
9. Wide of people at bar tables
10. Medium of two people drinking beer at the bar
11. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Alessandro Gambato, Bologna resident:
"I believe it was the right choice, something we were all somewhat expecting, but it came too late. Despite the fact that, in my opinion, the elections are already decided because of the attack on Trump, which, I think, has marked the situation, the decision came too late. There won’t be enough time to reorganize things, and the likely replacement, Kamala Harris, won’t have enough time to reorganize the campaign. This will lead to the already decided result of the attack."
12. Close of a fountain with piazza Maggiore in the background
12. Medium of people at the fountain with bicycles
13. Medium of passersby
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Allison Grimaldi Donahue, Bologna resident:
"I think it was expected and a certain point of view, but also very necessary for the Democrats to have any chance in the upcoming election. I think it’s a positive and wise decision on his part"
15. Wide of tables of a bar with people
16. Medium of people drinking at a bar
17. Medium of women eating ice cream
18. Wide of Italian flag projected on a building
19. Medium of couple at table with Piazza Maggiore in the background
20. Wide of Piazza Maggiore

Italians are not surprised that President Joe Biden has ended his 2024 Presidential race following a disastrous debate with Republican Donald Trump.

Sunday’s decision has thrown the Democratic Party into chaos just months before the election.

"I believe it was the right choice, something we were all somewhat expecting, but it came too late" said Alessandro Gambato, a worker in the central Italian town of Bologna.

Edoardo Calvi, a student, did not express a different position: "I more or less expected it, meaning, at over 80 years old, the various gaffes he made caused a lot of political instability to the Democrats so I expected Kamala Harris, his Vice President, or someone else in the upper ranks of his party to take his place, forcibly or not", he said.

Biden’s decision came as he has been isolating at his Delaware beach house after being diagnosed with COVID-19 last week.


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News post in July 27, 2024, 3:04 am.

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