Small businesses feel the burn as Albania suffers blistering heatwave

(19 Jul 2024)



LENGTH: 5:03

Tirana, Albania – 18 July 2024

1. Wide of the Skanderbeg Square
2. Close of car dashboard shows 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 F)
3. An old man wets his cap at a fountain
4. Wide shot of a woman freshening her neck in the middle of the fountain
5. A woman walks fast with a water bottle in hand
6. A couple washes hands at a tap
7. Wide shot of young girls play in the fountain
8. Two men pass with a fan
9. Wide of the fountain in the square
10. Various of empty cafes and bars at the Air Albania stadium
11. Two men deliver the water supply for the bar
12. Waiters stay inside the empty bar
13. SOUNDBITE (Albanian) Albana Mrishaj, 38, waitress at a bar:
“The heatwave has had a hard (negative) impact. Normally there is no work during the day and expenses are very high. There is work only the first moment of the day and evening, which cannot cover all the expenses. It is very difficult. Normally we have tried to improve conditions but still the heat is very high and clients have withdrawn and there is not much work."

14. Various of a fan spreading humidity in an empty bar
15. A waitress arranges a table
16. SOUNDBITE (Albanian) Alesja Masha, 28, waitress:
“(Heatwave) impact is very high. As you may see, all the bars are empty. Despite the improved conditions, it is impossible to stay outside under higher than 40 degrees Celsius (104F). The rare clients who come take only fresh drinks and water.”

17. A sole woman at a bar in a Tirana street
18. A fan freshens an empty bar
19. An empty bar and a few people walking outside
20. Four men walking
21. An empty city tour bus
22. People walking under an umbrella
23. Various of a waiter preparing a sorbet glass and taking it away
24. SOUNDBITE (Albanian) Klajdi Ndregjoni, 23, a waiter:
“There is a high fall (of the clients, work) because under high temperatures tourists try to avoid going out because it is very hot. Businesses have tried to improve the conditions but outside (the bars) it is impossible to stay. When tourists come, they only take fresh drinks.”

25. Various of bar
26. A woman with an umbrella walking by
27. A group of young men on the street
28. Young women walking in the streets
29. An empty area in front of the main public university building
30. View of an empty boulevard
31. People walking by fast under the heat
32. Wide of an empty area in front of the presidential office
33. Various of people populating the bars in early evening


Small businesses are feeling the burn in Albania’s capital, Tirana, as the Balkan nation grapples with a blistering heatwave.

Temperatures have reached 42 degrees, prompting tourists and residents to stay indoors.


Tirana’s Skanderbeg Square is normally bustling with people, but a blistering heatwave in Albania has lead to many avoiding the city centre.

With temperatures averaging 38 degrees Celsius (100.4F), water fountains offer some relief.

The scorching heat over the last two weeks in Albania is having a negative impact on Tirana’s bars and cafes, as clients are staying away during the hottest parts of the day.

Bar owners have made efforts to counteract the heat, installing air conditioning, or other cooling equipment, but people are still avoiding going out until the evening.

Temperatures have peaked at 42 degrees Celsius (107.6F) in southeastern and central Albania but 37-38 degrees Celsius (98.6-100.4F) has been the average in the capital Tirana over the last few days.

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News post in July 24, 2024, 12:05 pm.

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