Bangladesh deploys vehicles marked UN to quell student protests | DW News

Bangladesh has seen days of violent clashes between police and students protesting a government job quota system. More than 100 people have been killed, and the government has ordered a curfew and deployed military forces. Now a Deutsche Welle investigation has revealed that vehicles with UN markings have been deployed in the crackdown.

The United Nations has called the violence against student protesters ‘shocking and unacceptable’. Footage monitored by DW’s investigations Unit clearly shows UN markings on armored personnel vehicles being used against the demonstrations.

Pictures show similar vehicles with regular Bangladesh army markings. The investigation comes after rights groups questioned Bangladesh’s involvement in several peace missions. A DW probe in May showed that Bangladesh had deployed officers implicated in cases of torture and killings as UN peacekeepers.


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News post in July 23, 2024, 6:05 pm.

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