4000 My Little Ponies feature in an exhibition showcasing hobbies, alongside homemade banjos and cus

(18 Jul 2024)
Croydon, U.K., 17 July 2024
1. Exterior of museum
2. Pan of exhibition
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Hetain Patel, organizer and creator:
"Sometimes the work’s made by communities of people, like some of the quilts for example, or pompoms. But oftentimes it’s people just working on their own, kind of squirreling away in their kitchen or their bedroom, making a miniature or something small and often for themselves. They might show it to some people close to them, but it’s not something that they necessarily talk a lot about. And so it’s an incredibly vulnerable thing that people are doing. And because of that, it’s something that they really care about and speaks very deeply about who they are. And so I’m hugely honored that they’ve entrusted us and me and the Artangel team to look after this stuff and to display and to show it off in this way."
When, you know, didn’t know exactly what we were doing. And so that’s very meaningful to me. And, you know, we’ve taken a lot we’ve taken great care as a team to to try to show things in the most exciting way we can."
3. Various of carpeted car
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Hetain Patel, organiser and creator – on the carpeted car that he created on display:
"The carpet’s very significant because it’s, it’s a replica patterning from my grandmother’s home, which is our family home that my family immigrated to, to Bolton from, from India. And so that holds a lot of significance. And the car is from that time, from the late 80s, that we were in that house a lot as well. It’s, you know, it’s a ubiquitous working class car, the Ford Escort. At one time, it was the most bought car in the world. And so lots of people recognize it. Lots of people have their own relationship with it. Lots of people have their own relationship with this kind of carpet. So even though there’s a kind of strangeness to it, there’s a lot of familiarity as well. It’s important that you recognize something in there as well."
5. Pan of cupboard containing collection of Coke cans and bottles
6. Pan of KitKat memorabilia
7. Pan of cigarette boxes
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Ken Ford, collector – on where he keeps his collections of plastic bags, KitKat memorabilia, cigarette cards and Coke cans.
"Well, one of the large bedrooms is now packed full of this sort of stuff. Some of it’s on shelves, in filing cabinets. Couple of trunks in there. But they’ve also got a study downstairs, and some of it is in that in cabinets down there. Even the garage has got a filing cabinet with the plastic bags in it. And, also the Coke cans are in the garage."
9. Pan carpet made of 55,000 pompoms
10. Close of pompoms
11. Pan of art
12. Various of nail art
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Zahra Nadeem, nail artist and miniature creator
"Wow, there’s a lot of stuff. And it’s just so nice to see the, I don’t know, just everyone’s individuality in their work because they don’t they don’t benefit from it, really. Like, they don’t monetize from it. They do in their spare time, I can relate to that as an artist. So yeah. And even the rocks that I like, I used to paint rocks and I was a kid, so when I saw them, I got like a it, I was like, it’s insane to me to think that they’re in an exhibition. And Hetain has just captured everyone’s passion so beautifully."
14. Pan of painted rocks
15. Various of room filled with My Little Pony toys
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Miranda Worby, collector:
17. Various of costumes
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Jade Parsons, creator – cosplay outfit maker:
19. Various of figurines, soldiers and Warhammer

Ever wondered how people spend their spare time?

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News post in July 23, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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