RNC delegates and former Haley supporters respond to her convention speech calling for unity

(17 Jul 2024)
Milwaukee – 16 July 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) State Sen. Bill Gannon, (R) New Hampshire:
“Nikki just was unifying the party tonight. She did a great job. I think she’ll have a place in the administration. I think we’re all coming together. We’re going to dominate and knockout be it Biden or whoever they put up again. Open borders. Failed energy policies. Failed world policies. Our nation is no longer respected around the world. Our allies can’t trust us and our enemies do not fear nor respect us. So Nikki Haley will be a great, I think she’s going to be part of the administration. And whether she is and she isn’t. She brought us together tonight and any hard feelings are going to be now gone.”
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Matt Mayberry, New Hampshire voter:
“A fantastic unifying speech. She did exactly what she needed to do, which is tell the country it’s one voice, one candidate with one mission that’s to send Joe Biden home.”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Jason Watts, Michigan delegate:
“Yeah, I think the tone of it, of unity and broadening the party was the right tone. I was disappointed with the content because, quite frankly, President Trump has not, you know, made that appeal himself. And I’m still not convinced that he is the right choice. Right now I’m undecided, but I’m not sure that the case was made to, to come in then and support President Trump.”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Jason Watts, Michigan delegate:
“Well, I’m, I’m a I’m a traditional Republican. And we support our allies when they’re in need. And we we do not, we do not disparage women. We don’t turn away from the the meat and potatoes issues of Republicanism. And I think President Trump has drifted away from, you know, that shining city on the hill."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Jason Watts, Michigan delegate:
“I’m a stranger in a strange land. And a man without a party.”
Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley took to the stage on day two of the Republican National Convention Tuesday to show her support for nominee Donald Trump and bring unity to the Republican party.
Haley was a presidential candidate during the 2024 election cycle, outlasting many of the other candidates in the race.
Haley, who was UN Ambassador under Trump, at times disagreed with the former president and became his chief rival during the 2024 campaign.
Former Haley delegates and supporters weighed in on her speech with mixed reaction.
Jason Watts, a Michigan delegate and Haley supporter who calls himself a traditional Republican, says he feels like a like a man without a party.
“Yeah, I think the tone of it, of unity and broadening the party was the right tone. I was disappointed with the content because, quite frankly, President Trump has not, you know, made that appeal himself. And I’m still not convinced that he is the right choice. Right now I’m undecided, but I’m not sure that the case was made to, to come in then and support President Trump,” Watts said.
New Hampshire State Sen. Bill Gannon, also a Haley backer and a delegate of Haley’s until she released them to vote for Trump, says he thought she did a great job unifying the party with her speech.
Echoing Gannon was Matt Mayberry, another former Haley delegate and supporter from New Hampshire.


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News post in July 22, 2024, 6:04 am.

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