Residents of Hrabove in Ukraine’s Donbas mark 10 years since MH17 was shot down

(17 Jul 2024)

Hrabove, Ukraine – 17 July 2024
1. Monument to the victims of the MH17 plane crash, plate reading (Russian): "In memory of the victims – 298 people. Innocent victims of civil war."
2. People holding flags
3. People walking with flowers
4. Flowers
5. People at the memorial event
6. Child holding toy
7. Monument to the victims
8. Various of people observing minute of silence
9. Various of people laying down flowers and toys at the monument
10. Close up of toys
12. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Natalya Petrova, local resident and crash witness:
"We were at home and there was such a noise. First a hum, then a boom, such a strong blow. The window cracked, as if it had been pressed in, because there was a shock wave. We live behind the ravine, and the wave… The garage door closed. My granddaughter was screaming, ‘grandmother, I’m scared.’ And I quickly… We didn’t understand at all what it was, and then we saw a mushroom cloud growing – getting bigger and bigger. And we saw something falling. We thought maybe they were launching something at us, but it was people falling. Right here at the top, it was a mess."
13. Monument, tilt-down to flowers and toys
14. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Natalya Petrova, local resident and crash witness:
"Sorry. It hurts. And most of all, people, I feel sorry for the people. I feel sorry for the people. Let God punish them. God will punish those who did this.”
15. Flowers
16. Monument, people with flags behind it
A memorial service was held Wednesday in Hrabove, eastern Ukraine, at the crash site of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 that was shot down 10 years ago, killing 298 people.

Local residents laid flowers and toys at the monument honoring the crash victims.

Some of them could not hold back their tears, remembering the day of the tragedy.

"We were at home and there was such a noise. First a hum, then a boom, such a strong blow," Natalya Petrova, a local resident and crash witness, said as she recalled memories of the event.

"I feel sorry for the people. Let God punish them. God will punish those who did this,” she said, holding back tears.

The Boeing 777 was heading from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on July 17, 2014, when it was shot down over eastern Ukraine, during the conflict between pro-Russia separatists and Ukrainian forces.
All 298 people onboard died – citizens of the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, the Philippines, Canada, New Zealand, Vietnam, Israel, Italy, Romania, the United States and South Africa.
A painstaking international investigation has established that a Buk missile fired from a launcher that was trucked into Ukrainian rebel-held territory from a Russian military base and then driven back to Russia caused flight MH17 to crash.
Investigators said it came from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, a unit of the Russian armed forces based in the Russian city of Kursk.
Moscow steadfastly denies any responsibility for the downing of the plane, which shattered in midair, scattering bodies and wreckage over agricultural land near Hrabove.
In November 2022, after a trial that lasted more than two years, a Dutch court convicted two Russians and a pro-Russian Ukrainian in absentia of murder for their roles in transporting the missile.
They were given life prison sentences but remain at large because Russia refused to surrender them to face trial.

One other Russian was acquitted.


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News post in July 22, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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