Rep. Adam Schiff calls for Biden to withdraw from election

(17 Jul 2024)

ARCHIVE – Washington – 12 March 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Adam Schiff, (D) California:
“You don’t gratuitously do things to prejudice the subject of investigation when you’re declining to prosecute. You don’t gratuitously add language that you know will be useful in a political campaign. You were not born yesterday. You understood exactly what you were doing. It was a choice. You certainly didn’t have to include that language. You could have said vis-a-vis the documents that were found at the university, The president did not recall. There is nothing more common. You know this. I know this. There is nothing more common with a witness of any age, when asked about events that are years old to say, I do not recall. Indeed, they’re instructed by their attorney to do that if they have any question about it. You understood that. you made a choice. That was a political choice. It was the wrong choice.”
ARCHIVE – Washington – 13 October 2022
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Adam Schiff, Jan. 6 Committee member, (D) California:
"Since our last hearings, the Select Committee has received greater cooperation from the Secret Service. Nevertheless, Secret Service text messages from this period were erased in the days and months following the attack on the Capitol. Even though documents and materials related to January 6th had already been requested by the Department of Justice and Congress."
ARCHIVE – Washington – 21 June 2022
3. House January 6 Select Committee member Rep. Adam Schiff, (D) California approaches microphone to speak to reporters, UPSOUND (English)
"I thought the testimony we heard today was enormously powerful. We had, I think, good illustrations of the courageous public servants who stood up to the president of the United States, from Republican speakers of the House of Representatives in Arizona, to the secretary of state of Georgia, to election workers whose lives were the subject of the most gruesome threats and were really upended and got the American people got to see these courageous public servants. But also, I’m glad they got to see the danger that the president’s lies put elected officials in all around the country."
California Rep. Adam Schiff says he believes it is time for President Joe Biden to “pass the torch” and withdraw from the election.

Schiff said Wednesday that Biden has been “one of the most consequential presidents” but that the nation is at a crossroads and a second Trump presidency would undermine U.S. democracy.

“While the choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is time for him to pass the torch,” Schiff said in a statement. “And in doing so, secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election.”

Schiff, who is running for the US Senate this year, is a former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who led the first House impeachment against Trump in 2019.


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News post in July 22, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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