A kiss for his wife as Maduro claims voting for the Venezuelan opposition would cause ‘civil war’

(17 Jul 2024)

Caracas, Venezuela – 16 July 2024
1. Various of Nicolás Maduro dancing alongside his wife Cilia Flores
2. Woman holding a figure of a rooster – the latest symbol of Maduro’s campaign
3. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Nicolás Maduro, president of Venezuela
"If you don’t want Venezuela to fall in a bloodshed, in a fratricidal civil war, because of the fascists, then let’s guarantee the biggest electoral success in the electoral history of our people"
4. Supporters at rally
5. People chanting
Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro attended on Tuesday a rally in a neighborhood in western Caracas, as campaigning continues ahead of the highly anticipated July 28 presidential election.

With various artists singing campaign songs, supporters danced and sang. Some carried figures of roosters, the latest symbol that aims to epitomise the strength of the president.

The outcome of the election could give Maduro another six years in power or end 25 years of Socialist Party rule.

Maduro and his late predecessor Hugo Chavez maintained socialist policies that once successfully boosted anti-poverty programs, but whose sustained mismanagement later pushed the country into an ongoing economic crisis.

For years, opposition politicians boycotted elections they saw as rigged, but as the government’s popularity has ebbed, former rivals have banded together in an attempt to change the government at the ballot box.

Maduro warned his supporters they should grant him the biggest electoral victory in the history of the country if they wanted to avoid a "bloodshed and a fratricidal civil war".

AP Video shot by by Juan Arraez


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News post in July 22, 2024, 6:04 am.

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