Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men block highway in central Israel in protest of military recruitment

(16 Jul 2024)

Bnei Brak, Israel – 16 July 2024
1. Police dragging Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man on ground during protest
2. Various of mounted police and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men blocking main highway

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men blocked a main highway in central Israel after the Israeli military said Tuesday it will begin sending draft notices to Jewish ultra-Orthodox men.

The step could destabilize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and trigger more large protests in the community.

The announcement follows a landmark Supreme Court order for young religious men to begin enlisting for military services.

Under long-standing political arrangements, ultra-Orthodox men had been exempt from the draft, which is compulsory for most Jewish men.

The system created widespread resentment among the general public in Israel, especially after more than nine months of war against Hamas militants in Gaza. The court ruled that the system of exemptions was discriminatory.

AP Video shot by Shlomo Mor


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News post in July 21, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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