Tense scenes as police in Israel detain ultra-Orthodox Jewish men protesting military recruitment

(16 Jul 2024)

Bnei Brak, Israel – 16 July 2024
1. Police carrying away Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man
LOCATION: Bnei Brak, Israel
2. Police arresting Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man
3. Mounted police dispersing protesters
4. Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men sitting on ground
5. Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men with posters reading (English) “Israel is an anti-Semitic country” and “ we will go to jail but not to the army.”
6. Police
7. Mounted police galloping towards protesters
8. Mounted police dispersing protesters as they block highway
The Israeli military on Tuesday said it would begin sending draft notices to Jewish ultra-Orthodox men next week — a step that could destabilize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and trigger more large protests in the community.

Dozens of Jewish ultra-Orthodox men protested and blocked a main highway in central Israel following the announcement, raising banners reading “Israel is an anti-Semitic country” and “we will go to jail but not to the army.”

The announcement followed a landmark Supreme Court order for young religious men to begin enlisting for military service.

Under long-standing political arrangements, ultra-Orthodox men had been exempt from the draft, which is compulsory for most Jewish men.

The exemptions created resentment among the general public in Israel, especially after more than nine months of war against Hamas militants in Gaza.

The army summons is the beginning of a months-long enlistment process that can be difficult to enforce if there is large-scale refusal to comply.

The army did not say when it expects ultra-Orthodox men to begin serving or how many men were receiving the new notices.

The court ruled that the system of exemptions, which allow religious men to study in Jewish seminaries while others are forced to serve in the army, was discriminatory.

Ultra-Orthodox leaders say religious study is equally important for the country’s future and that their generations-old way of life will be threatened if their followers serve in the army.

Netanyahu’s government relies on the support of ultra-Orthodox parties that oppose changes to the system.

Religious leaders have not said what steps they will take.

If they leave the ruling coalition, the government would likely topple and the country would be plunged into early elections two years ahead of schedule.

The army’s announcement also could lead to unrest. Past attempts to enlist ultra-Orthodox men have triggered mass protests in ultra-Orthodox communities. 

AP Video shot by Shlomo Mor


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News post in July 21, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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