In split Cyprus, cocked rifles and high-tech along the UN buffer zone stoke tensions unseen in year

(15 Jul 2024)

Nicosia, Cyprus – 6 June 2024
1. Close of bullet holes in walls of abandoned building; pull focus to barbed wire
2. Bullet pockmarks in walls of abandoned building
3. Wide from rooftop of an abandoned building inside buffer zone
4. Close of tower inside buffer zone with minaret in background
5. Various of United Nations peacekeepers walking through U.N.-controlled buffer zone that cuts across the Cypriot capital Nicosia, separating Turkish and Turkish Cypriot forces in the north and Greek Cypriot national guardsmen in the south
6. Wide of abandoned Greek Cypriot primary school inside buffer zone
7. Close of school roof
8. Peacekeepers walking along alley in front of abandoned and shuttered shops
9. Close of rusting advertising signs hung outside abandoned shops
10. Peacekeeper walking through roofless structure
11. Flags of Cyprus and Greece near surveillance cameras
12. Wide of flags and cameras
13. Close of surveillance camera between metal Turkish and Turkish Cypriot flags
14. Wide of peacekeeper walking along footpath inside buffer zone overlooked by Turkish guard post atop abandoned building
15. Close of U.N. sign and razor wire
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Col. Ben Ramsay, chief of staff of the U.N. Peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP):
“We’ve witnessed almost a 70% rise of military violations, predominantly construction violations by both parties along the buffer zone in this year. So those violations are anything from high-tech CCTV cameras, which we assessed could have the ability to link into other military capability that could be used in offensive capacity, to stone throwing, weapon cocking, or soldiers coming into the buffer zone to apprehend civilians. So all of these, all these factors play out in the buffer zone almost on a daily basis.”
ARCHIVE: Nicosia, Cyprus – 20 July 1974
17. Turkish paratroopers landing on Cyprus
18. Paratroopers landing on ground
19. Troops marching off, holding up Turkish flag
20. Building shelled
21. Troops in field, shells fired
Nicosia, Cyprus – 6 June 2024
22. Wide of stretch of abandoned and slowly deteriorating structures being overwhelmed by wild growth
23. Close of writing etched in wall of abandoned building reading (Greek/Turkish): "By women”
24. Peacekeepers walking through courtyard in buffer zone
25. Security cameras

Nicosia, Cyprus – 6 June 2024
26. SOUNDBITE (English) Col. Ben Ramsay, chief of staff of the U.N. Peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP):
“What we are seeing is probably the classic security dilemma where both forces are acting in a defence, what they argue is a defensive manner but is perceived by their opposition as an aggressive act. And, of course, you don’t know where that’s going to stop, because if neither party stops, eventually there’s only one logical conclusion, that peace will turn into violence."
27. Various of security cameras
28. Brick wall firing position on northern edge of buffer zone
29. SOUNDBITE (English) Col. Ben Ramsay, chief of staff of the U.N. Peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP):

Nicosia, Cyprus – 6 June 2024
30. Sign of Toyota dealership at entrance of underground garage where brand-new cars remained untouched since 1974, peacekeeper in background
31. Close of brand-new car’s insignia on front grill
32. Wide of car
33. Various of underground parking garage with brand-new cars covered in dust and grime
34. Destroyed children’s bicycles at entrance of garage
35. Garage ramp, peacekeepers

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News post in July 20, 2024, 3:04 am.

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