Baby sea turtles released from South Lebanon into Mediterranean sea as hatching season starts

(15 Jul 2024)

Mansouri, southern Lebanon – 13 July 2024
1. Various of environmental activists and enthusiasts gathering on Mansouri Beach in Tyre district to release baby turtles in the Mediterranean Sea
2. Turtles in bucket
3. Woman holding turtle
4. Various of people placing turtles on Lebanese flag before sending them out to sea
5. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Fadia Joumaa, environmental activist and supervisor of the Mansouri Reserve:
"Today, we are at the Mansouri Reserve releasing the first batch of turtles that were hatched this season. This is a gift from southern Lebanon to the Mediterranean Sea."
6. Various of baby turtles crawling on sand Mansouri beach and heading towards the Mediterranean Sea
7. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Fadia Joumaa, environmental activist and supervisor of the Mansouri Reserve:
"Today, we released 16 Caretta Caretta, or loggerhead sea turtles. In Lebanon, two types of turtles live and nest: the loggerhead turtle and the green turtle. The green turtle is endangered.”
8. Various of activists uncovering a nest filled with sea turtles eggs then moving the eggs to a bucket to take them to a safer place for hatching
9. Activist walking while holding bucket
10. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Fadia Joumaa, environmental activist and supervisor of the Mansouri Reserve:
"Many people today are asking us: ‘What are you doing in Mansouri? Aren’t you afraid of the shelling and attacks that are happening?’ Today, as environmental activists, we cannot abandon our work. Whether there is war or not, we will continue our work. This is a responsibility and a commitment. The environment is not a luxury."
11. Various of baby sea turtle heading to sea before it is taken by a wave
12. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mariana Nassar, visitor at Mansouri Reserve:
"Today, we are in the Mansouri area in southern Lebanon. This is my first time here, and it’s the sea turtle hatching season. I didn’t know before that sea turtles lay their eggs on the Lebanese shore."
13. Various of two baby sea turtles heading towards the sea at sunset
14. Sun setting over the Mediterranean Sea
Environmental activists and enthusiasts gathered by the shoreline in southern Lebanon to release 16 baby sea turtles into the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday.

The activists released the tiny loggerhead turtles at an environmental reserve in the town of Mansouri, south of the port city of Tyre.

Fadia Joumaa, an environmental activist, said these turtles were "a gift from southern Lebanon to the Mediterranean Sea."

The turtles were first placed on a Lebanese flag, before they started crawling across the sand toward the sea.

They were eventually picked up by waves, disappearing into the water as the sun set.

So far, this has been a great season for the turtles with approximately 43 nests so far, Joumaa added.

The nesting season continues into August so Joumaa is optimistic that the numbers will rise.

Activists uncovered more turtle eggs on the beach and collected them in buckets to protect them from predators like dogs and foxes.

The activists keep the eggs in artificial nests until the turtles hatch.

The beach at Mansouri is an ideal spot for nesting because it is secluded, Joumaa said.

The release of the turtles coincides with the start of the hatching season, which is usually celebrated, drawing visitors from across the country.

This year, however, the number of people celebrating the turtles is limited because of the fighting along the Lebanon-Israel border.

AP video shot by Mohamad Zanaty

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News post in July 20, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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