Venezuelan opposition leaders address youth at a university rally, ahead of election

(14 Jul 2024)

Caracas, Venezuela – 14 July 2024
1. Students chanting "Edmundo amigo, youth with you"
2. Students chanting, UPSOUND (Spanish) "This government is going to fall"
3. Maria Corina Machado leader of the opposition and Edmundo Gonzalez, presidential candidate, waving
4. Students clapping
5. Close of Gonzalez
6. Wide of students chanting UPSOUND (Spanish) "He arrived, he’s already here, the president of the country!"
7. Close of Machado
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Maria Corina Machado, opposition leader:
"A Venezuela where all your rights have been violated, and yet being a generation that has never known democracy you are so exceptional that you have not stopped fighting for it. You have risked your lives, you have lost comrades, you have seen many leave and here you are, standing up and determined to give it your all, reset (gamble everything for everything)."
9. Banner that reads (Spanish) "Back home there were 8 of us, now it’s just me. July 28 for the return."
10. Gonzalez supporters chanting
11. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Julio Cesar Perez Miranda, lawyer:
"We came to Caracas to manifest that desire for change because we don’t want to leave. I believe that this is the main engine that moves all of us young people. It is the hope of not leaving our country and of being able to build together a country with a future, so that those who left can return. I believe that this is the fundamental driving force. And not only that, but also the faith and hope we have in our candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, who today represents that massification of unity, not only of the citizens, but also of the youth."
12. Students marching and chanting
13. Student pointing to the banner of the presidential candidates
14. Close of banner of the presidential candidates
15. Wide group of students waiting for the arrival of Gonzalez and Machado

Venezuela’s opposition leaders attended a rally at one of the main universities in Venezuela to speak with students about the future ahead should they win July 28 elections and end 25 years of socialist party rule.

Presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez and leader Maria Corina Machado spoke at the emblematic Central University of Venezuela in Caracas where they listened to a crowd of hundreds of students eagerly chanting slogans.

"Being a generation that has never known democracy you are so exceptional that you have not stopped fighting for it," said Machado to the youth.

The upcoming election is shaping up to be the biggest challenge the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela has faced in its 25-year dominance that began when the fiery Hugo Chávez became president.

AP Video shot by Andry Rincon


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News post in July 19, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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