AP Explains role of Secret Service in protecting U.S. presidents

(14 Jul 2024)

Butler, Pennsylvania – 13 July 2024
1. STILL IMAGE Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump walks into rally

Bethesda, Maryland – 14 July 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Del Wilber, Associated Press Washington Investigation editor:
"Usually they’re crimes of opportunity in the sense that there’s a security breakdown and someone can get very close to the president or within, you know, within the realm of being able to stab or shoot them. Like the guy who shot (President Abe) Lincoln got into his booth at the Lincoln Theater. John F Kennedy. There was no one checking on the book depository when (Lee Harvey) Oswald opened fire right above the president and the Reagan assassination attempt John Hinckley got within 15ft of the president of the United States, standing behind a rope line that no one had been screened to enter. Right? George Wallace, presidential candidate in 1972, walked up a rope line and backed down the rope line, giving Arthur Bremer the time to decide he would shoot him. It’s quite astonishing, that that’s usually what happens – is that you get there just moments of opportunity that that these gunmen take advantage of."

Butler, Pennsylvania – 13 July 2024
3. STILL IMAGE Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is helped off stage by U.S. Secret Service agents

Bethesda, Maryland – 14 July 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Del Wilber, Associated Press Washington Investigation editor:
"Secret Service has a motto. They have to … they can’t get it wrong. Ever. You know, they have to get it right. 100, 100 out of 100 times. If they get it right, 99 out of 100 times, that other time could lead to someone being killed or badly hurt. As is the case here, right? They, they screwed up. Or whoever was responsible for that building screwed up. And yet they have to put that aside. They can’t just stop and be like, oh, we screwed up. Keep shooting. And so they did what they had to do to. The protocol in such situations like this is that cover and evacuate. They don’t pull up guns and start shooting back. That’s someone else’s job. The men on the detail, the men and women on the presidential detail. The ones wearing the blazers with the earpieces, who kind of surround Trump. You know, they surrounded him not just to get him moving, they were human shields. Their job is to put their body between the president and the assailant. So they surrounded him, covering him, dragging him away because, you know, he was like, I want my shoes. He didn’t want to leave. He wanted to finish, you know, and getting him into the armored vehicle, the safest thing there."

Butler, Pennsylvania – 13 July 2024
5. STILL IMAGE Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is helped off stage by U.S. Secret Service agents

Bethesda, Maryland – 14 July 2024
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Del Wilber, Associated Press Washington Investigation editor:

Butler, Pennsylvania – 13 July 2024
7. STILL IMAGE Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is helped off stage by U.S. Secret Service agents
The U.S. Secret Service is investigating how a gunman armed with an AR-style rifle was able to get close enough to shoot and injure former President Donald Trump at a rally Saturday in Pennsylvania, a monumental failure of one of the agency’s core duties.

Wilber is the author of “Rawhide Down: The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan.”

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News post in July 19, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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