Turkish President Erdogan addresses questions about F-16 deal and anti-Syrian protests

(12 Jul 2024)

Washington DC – 11 July 2024
1. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arriving
2. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s President:
Reporter asking (English): "The acquiring of F-16 scale has been limited down and these are some of the news we have been reading. Some parts will be locally manufactured. What kind of decision is this? What does it signify? And NATO is talking with the United States with the relevant mechanisms and what about the money that was paid to the acquisition of the F-35s.
Erdogan: "About this issue, last night and today I had certain discussions with President Biden and let’s see what’s going to happen. If what is being said will be done, in three or four weeks this problem is going to be sorted out, according to President Biden.
And before he left his afternoon, I reminded him of the same thing and he reiterated that he’s going to solve this problem in the next three or four weeks.
We have shared certain remarks between ourselves and these are some of the topics that we always discuss with President Biden, and I am giving you the freshest response I received from President Biden."
Reporter (English): "I would like to ask a question about Syria as well. I think this is another topic that you don’t eye-to-eye with President Biden. There had been certain protests against the immigrants in the city of Kayseri in Turkey. In the aftermath, some leaders were actually blamed for the developments that unfolded and you said you were going to talk to President Bashar Assad of Syria. The discussions will be important. Do you have information in your hands available?"
Erdogan: "Don’t ask me about the information that I have. I told you previously that I told Bashar Assad to come to my country and visit me or go to a third country to have these discussions about two weeks ago.
I launched an appeal to him and my foreign minister is in charge of this development and he will be speaking to his interlocutors and I hope rough feelings will be left behind.
We will surmount those hard feelings and will initiate a new process."
3. Erdogan leaving
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded Thursday to questions about the sale of F-16 fighter jets to his country.

The U.S. this year had approved the sale of F-16s to Turkey following the Turkish government’s ratification of Sweden’s membership in NATO.

Erdogan said he had discussed the topic with U.S. President Joe Biden.

Erdogan was also asked about anti-Syrian riots this month in central Turkey.

The Turkish president said he had told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to visit Turkey or another country for talks with him.

When neighboring Syria’s civil war broke out in 2011, Turkey received hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees with compassion, becoming the country to host the largest refugee population globally.

As the population grew and Turkey encountered escalating economic difficulties, it has seen a rise in anti-migrant sentiment.


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News post in July 17, 2024, 6:04 am.

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