Dos and Don’ts of French Etiquette

(11 Jul 2024)



LENGTH: 7:22

Paris, France – 18 June 2024

1. Various of Paris streets, people eating and drinking on restaurant terraces
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Paris resident, name not supplied:
"Yes, it’s true, there is the French attitude. Yes, they are quite polite, quite courteous. Sometimes they are a little old-fashioned, and there you have it. They let the ladies past first, open the car door for them. Not all of them, but yes, in general, that’s true."

3. Various of Paris restaurant terrace
4. SOUNDBITE (French) Paris residents, married couple, names not supplied:
Husband: "First of all, be polite. Because back in the day, that wasn’t much to ask, was it? When we were little, we were taught politeness, to behave well with people and everything else. We waited to be questioned before speaking. Adults had the floor first, and then if we were asked a question, we had plenty of time to answer, to think about what we were going to answer."

Wife: “Holding the door when a lady goes through, holding the door and lots of things like that.”

5. Various of Paris street
6. SOUNDBITE (French) Paris resident, name not supplied:
“I think that if you come from a somewhat bourgeois family, well yes, there will be expectations. For example, which spoon, the fish knife etc. I know that it had shocked me a bit when I went to a friend’s house who has a somewhat aristocratic family, there really were four forks etc. so I didn’t know which to use. A bit of explanation. And in fact, there’s really a whole culture behind it and expectations. So it depends, I think, on your social class also.

Versailles, France – 18 June 2024

7. Various of French etiquette expert France de Heere setting table
8. SOUNDBITE (English) France de Heere, French etiquette expert:
"The importance of good manners in France is real, especially today when the world and society no longer have too many points of reference. And on the one hand, it allows us to stand out and to know exactly what to do, how to do, whatever the circumstances of being, to always feel at ease and to stand out for our ease and our elegance.”

9. Various of de Heere demonstrating to journalist how to greet each other with handshake – the key is that it must be firm but brief
10. Close of de Heere demonstrating how to greet with the traditional double cheek kiss
11. SOUNDBITE (English) France de Heere, French etiquette expert:
"We of course look at each other in the eye. We need that eye contact. That’s very French. And then, if necessary, there is this handshake that must be honest, but without crushing, without showing too much authority or superiority. Finally, there are small codes to know, but that’s it. And if not, if it gets a little friendlier, you know we have our famous kiss. On the cheeks that happens very quickly in France and that must perhaps shock some foreigners, but that’s very French."

12. Various of de Heere demonstrating how to eat soup, first by scooping the spoon towards you, and then eating it at the correct angle
13. Close of bread
14. Various of de Heere demonstrating how to use bread to eat salad, which should be done to prevent acidic salad dressing from damaging silver cutlery
15. Pan on place setting
16. Close of family crest on back of cutlery. It is embossed on back of cutlery as in France the implements are traditionally laid face down, as opposed to the British method of laying cutlery face up.
17. SOUNDBITE (English) France de Heere, French etiquette expert:


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News post in July 16, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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