Estonia and the Czech Republic leaders arrive for NATO summit, outline actions

(10 Jul 2024)



Washington, DC – 10 July 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia:
"What is very important for us is that Ukraine is at the center. We must do everything for Ukraine to prevail, for, Ukrainian victory. That means that we have to provide them assistance. Then, second thing is that NATO is declaring, Russia, as, a long-term threat. And, and we have to work on the containment and, and, contest of Russian aggression, aggressive activities. Then third and fourth are very intertwined. This is the defense, that we are doing, the collective defense that we are doing for ourselves. We have the military plans, but they have to also be, full, full of the capabilities that we need, from the NATO allies. And that means that we also have to invest more, to defense."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia:
"Already 23 countries are investing more than 2%, of the GDP to defense. Estonia is doing over 3% this year. So after Poland, we are the, the country that does most for this. But, what we need all to do, more. That is very clear. "
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia:
"The defense has to have this 360-degree approach. The threats, coming from the South are equally, threatening, for our continent."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Petr Pavel, President of the Czech Republic:
"Secretary General stated that, despite all the differences that we faced in the past years, this alliance, proved to be not only, longest lasting, but also the most successful, alliance, in the world in human history. I believe that, as we see it, the sphere of cooperation, this sphere of security, these arguments are true. Then, we saw, within the speech of, President Biden, a number of strong statements vis-à-vis Ukraine that were clearly stating that not only the path towards NATO membership is irreversible, but, also that we, collectively will not let Ukraine fall down."
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Petr Pavel, President of the Czech Republic:
"I would divide, this, issue into two lines. First, there is, the most urgent. It is a provision of air defense to Ukraine. And, President Biden announced the initiative of five countries to provide the necessary systems as soon as possible. And, second, in short and mid-term is the reinforcement of air defense within the eastern flank. And that will be a part of a new, phase of NATO defense planning process where all the countries will receive new capability targets, including air defense."
The leaders of Estonia and the Czech Republic outline the blueprint and actions of the NATO alliance on a day when a joint communique from all 32 NATO allies meeting in Washington is expected.

Estonia’s prime minister said that the NATO alliance must do all it can for Ukraine to prevail in its war with Russia, and the collective defense of the coalition is a priority for NATO, that strengthening investment in defense is essential.

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas spoke to the press at the start of the Wednesday sessions of the NATO summit in Washington, where leaders are focused on the need to support Ukraine and ensure the alliance is prepared for any future threats. Kallas emphasized Russia as a long-term threat that must be contained.

" We need all to do more. That is very clear, " Kallas added.

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