What it feels like to visit Death Valley – AP Explains

(9 Jul 2024)

Death Valley National Park – 8 July 2024
1. Close of thermometer at Death Valley registering 120 F (49 C)
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
“So we’re here in Death Valley to, kind of, explore what it’s like just to visit this place and experience this level of heat.“

Death Valley National Park – 7 July 2024
3. STILL of people posing with thermometer registering 132 F (55 C)

Death Valley National Park – 8 July 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
“Now, it’s important to note this isn’t the official temperature at Death Valley, it’s the temperature it is right here. So we’re getting a little additional heat against the wall and cement.”
5. Person walking from car to temperature sign
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
“Trust me, when you’re here, and that says 130F (54C), it feels like 130F.”
7. Pan shot of Badwater Basin
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
“So we just arrived in Badwater, and I kind of want to take you through the stages or waves of how the heat affects you out here. So, lets say this is the first stage, in your car, air conditioning, looking out at the heat. Pretty nice right now. Then we have stage two, which is getting out of the car, where you are immediately hit with how hot it is. However, I would say when your standing still, you just got out of the car, it’s hot, but it’s not shocking, it’s not oppressive. Not yet."
9. People taking photos
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
“So we’ve left the car, walked down onto the salt flat and this is where the heat finally really hits you. You realize just how hot it is, you start sweating and it feels inescapable. And I think that’s the way to summarize, the heat out here is inescapable, unless you are able to get to a vehicle that has air conditioning, unless your able to go into a building with air conditioning.”
11. Salt flat, parking lot in the distance
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Drew Belt, visitor from Tupelo, Mississippi:
“First of all my voice got really raspy right away when I walked outside, and you can feel it in your eyes and usually a breeze is cool. This is not a cool breeze whatsoever.”
13. Salt flat in Badwater Basin
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
“So I grew up in the desert, and I’ve worked in some pretty extreme environments in my life, and I can say that this is a different level of heat. I’ve walked a pretty good distance from the cars now, if it wasn’t 120 F (49 C) I would say where right next to the cars but out here in this environment in this heat it feels like you could be miles away. Every step you take, going away from the cars, feels like two steps going back.”
15. Heat off of salt flat
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
“One thing I would say is you just don’t acclimate. Once it seems like I’m over 110 F I never get used to it, I’ve been out here for half an hour and it feels as hot now as it did when I stepped out of the car, if not even worse.”

Death Valley National Park – 7 July 2024
17. TIMELAPSE Stars move over Death Valley ++NIGHT SHOT++

Death Valley National Park – 8 July 2024
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
19. People on salt flat
20. Wide of landscape
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Ty ONeil, The Associated Press:
22. Warning sign
23. SOUNDBITE (English) Thomas Mrzilek, visitor from Basel, Switzerland:
24. Rocks and lake bed


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News post in July 14, 2024, 6:04 am.

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