Surgeon at Kyiv children’s hospital recalls rushing to shift debris after Russian strike hit

(9 Jul 2024)

Kyiv – 9 July 2024
1. Various of rescuers clearing the rubble of Okhmatdyt children’s hospital after Russian missile attack
2. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Volodymyr Zhovnir, director general of Okhmatdyt children’s hospital:
"There was a mass attack, and this attack targeted several medical facilities. At least in one of the medical facilities, there were injuries and fatalities."
3. Various of workers sorting destroyed and intact medical equipment in the hospital yard
4. Sign reading (Ukrainian) "Trauma Center"
5. Mid of surgeon Oleh Holubchenko and his injured colleagues
6. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleh Holubchenko, pediatric surgeon:
"When the explosion happened, I didn’t quite grasp everything. I regained consciousness already on the floor about 2-3 meters from the table. Somehow, I had flown over the table. I immediately got up and asked if everyone was okay. After that, with the anesthesiologist, we manually ventilated the lungs (of 5-month-old child being operated on) because the machine was completely punctured and the tubing was disconnected."
7. Mid of damaged medical lamp
8. Mid of damaged clinic bed
9. Close of damaged clinic bed
10. Various of damaged equipment
11. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Ihor Kolodka, 30, maxillofacial surgeon:
"All the shrapnel came towards us, the surgeons. The child was well covered; we usually cover well during surgeries. Essentially, she was hidden behind us, so nothing hit her. The anesthesiologist acted quickly, and we coordinated with colleagues from the pediatric cinic seven, transferring the child there."
12. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Ihor Kolodka, 30, maxillofacial surgeon:
"Most of us were hit by glass shrapnel. I was hit in the face, my colleague Oleg Holubchenko in the back because he was sitting with his back to the window. The anesthesiologist was injured in the face by shrapnel, and the nurse also in the face."

Kyiv – 8 July 2024
13. Mid of Ihor Kolodka clearing rubble
14. Wide of people clearing rubble after missile strike
15. Close of Oleh Holubchenko clearing rubble
16. Mid of Oleh Holubchenko and Ihor Kolodka clearing rubble

Kyiv, Ukraine – 9 July 2024
17. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleh Holubchenko, pediatric surgeon:
"Everyone just ran there because everything had collapsed. I used to go there for consultations, for various calls, to examine patients, and now there’s just a part of the building missing. No one thought about anything else; everyone just wanted to do something useful, to save people. Everyone just ran there and dug out bricks and everything that was buried to uncover people."

Kyiv, Ukraine – 8 July 2024
18. Wide of people clearing rubble
Pediatric surgeon Oleh Holubchenko was preparing to operate on an infant with a congenital facial defect.

Around 10 a.m. the air raid sirens blared.

It was Russia’s heaviest bombardment of Kyiv in almost four months and one of the deadliest of the war, hitting seven of the city’s 10 districts.

The strike on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital, where 627 children were being cared for at the time, drew ire from Ukrainian officials and the international community.

Two adults were killed, including a female doctor, and 50 were injured.

Russia denied responsibility for the hospital strike, insisting it doesn’t attack civilian targets in Ukraine despite abundant evidence to the contrary.

Moscow insisted it was a Ukrainian air defense missile that struck the hospital.

"I immediately got up and asked if everyone was okay," he said.

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News post in July 14, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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