House Democrats signal support for Biden as they meet to debate his path forward

(9 Jul 2024)

Washington, DC – 9 July 2024
1. Rep. Debbie Dingell walks toward meeting
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Debbie Dingell, (D) Michigan:
"Joe Biden’s our candidate for president. I’m really worried about what’s going to happen in November, and I don’t want to elect a man who calls veterans who die in service ‘losers.’
(Reporter: Are you worried about his cognitive ability?)
No. I’m not. I’ve been with him in the last few weeks, and he talked to autos to me better than some of the people I know in Michigan.
(Reporter:) What’s your message to your colleagues, then, who have been more vocal?)
I want to listen to what everybody’s saying. This is a discussion. Thank you."
3. Rep. Kweisi Mfume walks toward meeting
4. UPSOUND (English) Reporters question Rep. Mfume as he walks in:
"What was President Biden’s message to the Congressional Black Caucus?"
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Kweisi Mfume, (D) Maryland:
"Joe Biden all the way. Joe Biden."
6. Mfume walks into building
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Shri Thanedar, (D) Michigan:
"(Reporter: Does he fundamentally weaken your party?)
No, he does not. I think he is our best hope to not make sure Donald Trump do not get into the White House."
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Maxwell Frost, (D) Florida:
"Yes. After the meeting last night with the Congressional Black Caucus, and after spending time on the phone with Anita Dunn or other campaign officials, I feel very reassured by the president’s plan. There’s been this narrative that since the debate, he has not been out. He’s been out. The videos I’ve seen of people out campaigning has been Joe Biden. On the other hand, I’ve seen Donald Trump on his ass riding around on a golf cart, disrespecting people. So I feel reassured about the campaign’s plan. They’re spending $50 million in the battleground states on ads. And he’s going to be on the road talking about project 2025 and the things people care about."
(Reporter: Do you think that can resonate with young voters, though?)
It can. I was actually just this weekend out with a lot of young voters, and the thing people brought up wasn’t Biden’s age, but the fact that they’re scared to death of project 2025 and the far right wing. That’s the same thing that kept bring it up. I’m going to be in New Hampshire this weekend for the campaign, speaking with young voters, too.
(Reporter: Is he one bad performance away from failure?)
He’s many good performances from winning. And so that’s what we’ve seen over the past week. And I think we’ll continue to see it.
(Reporter: But what do you make of the debate? What changed your mind? What do you make of his performance?)
The performance was bad. The debate was bad, I’m not going to deny that.
(Reporter: What changed your mind?)
What changed my mind? Well, my mind…It’s not that my mind was changed. I wanted to hear the plan from the campaign, what they were going to do and that type of ad spend, plus the president being out there, being forceful on Project 2025 and the reason that he’s running reassured me. And so, again, I’ll be on the road this week in New Hampshire. I’m throwing the first pitch at a baseball game, and I went to art school. So keep me in your prayers. But I feel good about the plan going forward.
(Reporter: Do you believe Democrats can win in November?)
I believe Democrats win up and down the ballot. Joe Biden will be re-elected and we’re gonna take the House."
9. Frost walks away
10. Rep. Mike Quigley walks past press
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Mike Quigley, (D) Illinois:
12. Quigley walks inside


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News post in July 14, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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