Former US Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma dies at 89

(9 Jul 2024)

Washington – 17 May 2017
1. Sen. Jim Inhofe walking and speaking to reporters
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Sen. Jim Inhofe, (R) Oklahoma:
"Well, we are going on with our agenda. You know I’ve spent the last two weeks doing nothing but hearings on infrastructure. Infrastructure is right on the frontlines of the president’s priority (Reporter: "But no one’s paying attention…") Oh, they are. I know you are trying to distract them away from it."
3. Inhofe walking down hallway

Washington – 28 September 2021
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Jim Inhofe, Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member:
"The men and women who serve in uniform, their heroic families and the American people deserve answers. How did this avoidable disaster happen? Why were Americans left behind? President Biden’s decision to withdraw has expanded the threat of terrorism and increased the likelihood of an attack on the homeland."
5. Cutaway of Inhofe speaking

Washington – 20 May 2009
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Jim Inhofe, (R) Oklahoma:
"The only argument that I hear is against it is ‘oh the Europeans don’t want it’. Well, where are the Europeans? I am getting a little bit tired of having them dictate what we do in the United States. What if they came forth and said you have to close the Everglades tomorrow, would we roll over and close the Everglades, no we won’t."
Former Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma has died. He was 89.

The family says in a statement that the Republican had a stroke during the July Fourth holiday and died Tuesday morning.

Inhofe was a powerful fixture in state politics for decades.

He doubted that climate change was caused by human activity, calling the theory “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.”

As Oklahoma’s senior U.S. senator, he was a staunch supporter of the state’s military installations.

He was elected to a fifth Senate term in 2020 and stepped down in early 2023.


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