Maduro oversees Independence Day military parade welcoming Russian officers

(5 Jul 2024)

Caracas, Venezuela – 5 July 2024
1. Various of the Russian military personnel parading
2. Various of the Venezuelan military personnel parading
3. Nicolás Maduro, Venezuelan President, watching military parade
4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++
"Never will this baton of command will fall into the hands of an oligarch, of a puppet, of a traitor, I swear. Never will the Bolivarian National Armed Forces witness this shameful event."
5. Military vehicle with missiles parading
6. Motorcyclist performing pirouettes in the parade
7. Maduro saying goodbye to military personnel who attended event
8. Maduro walking with first lady Cilia Flores
Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro oversaw a military parade on Friday to mark the country’s Independence Day.

This year’s parade was marked by the participation of Russian military officials and a group of motorcycle stunt-riding bikers, which Maduro recently named a national sport.

Maduro applauded and pumped his fist as soldiers marched past, tanks rolled by and fighter jets streaked overhead at a Caracas military base.

A unit of camouflaged special forces officers shouted their loyalty as they paraded by the president.

As Maduro held the baton as commander in chief of the armed forces he swore it will never fall into the hands of an "oligarch and traitors," as he frequently calls the opposition.

Venezuela is headed for a presidential election in less than a month where Maduro seeks reelection for a third six-year term.

AP video shot by: Andry Rincón


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News post in July 11, 2024, 12:04 am.

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