Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong pleads for a lesser sentence in landmark security case

(5 Jul 2024)

ARCHIVE: Hong Kong – 10 October 2014
1. Various of pro-democracy Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong, speaking on stage
2. Various of pro-democracy protesters

ARCHIVE: Hong Kong – 14 April 2016
3. Wide of press conference announcing establishment of political party Demosisto
4. Wong, then-secretary general of Demosisto speaking
5. Demosisto core members chanting slogans

ARCHIVE: Hong Kong – 11 July 2020
6. Various of Wong campaigning in the street at primary election
7. Various of people waiting to vote

ARCHIVE: Hong Kong – 12 July 2020
8. Various of vote counting

ARCHIVE: Hong Kong – 15 July 2020
9. Various of Wong and other pro-democracy activists who won in the primary, announcing their plans in a press conference

ARCHIVE: Hong Kong – 2 March 2021
10. Wide of Wong being escorted out of a prison van
Prominent pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong asked for a lesser sentence in court Friday after he earlier pleaded guilty in Hong Kong’s biggest national security case.

Wong was one of 47 Hong Kong activists charged in 2021 under a Beijing-imposed national security law with conspiracy to commit subversion for their involvement in an unofficial primary.

The activists were accused of trying to paralyze Hong Kong’s government and topple the city’s leader by aiming to win a legislative majority and using it to block city budgets indiscriminately.

Wong and 44 others admitted their liability or were convicted by the court.

They could be sentenced to life in prison, though those who pleaded guilty have a better chance of receiving shorter sentences.

Their mass prosecution dealt a severe blow to Hong Kong’s once-thriving pro-democracy movement.

Wong waved at the public gallery after he walked into the courtroom.

Former Democratic Party chair Wu Chi-wai, former pro-democracy lawmaker Jeremy Tam and activist Tam Tak-chi were among the five other activists who also appeared in court.

Wong’s lawyer Marco Li said his client should be considered an “active participant" because he neither organized nor assisted in the unofficial primary.

The security law calls for active participants to face a jail term of between three to 10 years.

Li said Wong hoped that he could part with his past history and would be able to reform himself after serving his sentence.

He suggested the judges offer his client a one-third reduction of sentence given his guilty plea.

Wong first became a household name in Hong Kong as a teenager in 2012 for leading protests against the implementation of national education in the city’s schools.

In 2014, he rose to fame as one of the student leaders in the city’s Occupy Movement, during which demonstrators occupied streets for 79 days and brought traffic in some areas to a standstill, demanding direct elections for Hong Kong’s leader.

In the 2019 leaderless movement, Wong helped drum up overseas support for the protests.

His activism resulted in Beijing calling him as an advocate of Hong Kong independence who had “begged for interference” from foreign forces.

When the security law was enacted on June 30, 2020, “Demosisto," a political party he co-founded, was disbanded.

The mitigation hearings for the 45 convicted defendants are expected to continue until early August and sentencing will come at a later date.

Critics said the case illustrated how the security law is being used against the city’s democracy activists.

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News post in July 10, 2024, 6:04 am.

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