Labour Party leader Keir Starmer arrives to cast vote in UK general election

(4 Jul 2024)

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London – 4 July 2024
1. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and wife Victoria arriving at polling station
The Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer arrived at a London polling station with his wife Victoria as voting in the UK general election got underway Thursday morning.

Voters in the U.K. are casting their ballots in a national election to choose the 650 lawmakers who will sit in Parliament for the next five years.

Outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak surprised his own party on May 22 when he called the election, which could have taken place as late as January 2025.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. and will close at 10 p.m. on Thursday night.

An exit poll commissioned by the main U.K. broadcasters will be published as soon as the polls close, giving an indication of the likely result.

Counting will begin immediately but most of the results will only be announced in the early hours of Friday. 


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News post in July 9, 2024, 9:00 am.

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