One way to get real-life legal experience? A free trip to the Paris Olympics

(3 Jul 2024)

Atlanta – 10 April 2024
1. Olympian Edwin Moses speaking to class – UPSOUND: "But um, when I was in high school, I was like Urkel – Steve Urkel. I was like little Steve Urkel. I was the smallest guy, 5’6, 102 pounds my freshman year."
2. Wide of Moses speaking to class
3. Student listening
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Moraima "Mo" Ivory, Law Professor, Georgia State University:
"I teach a course called The Legal Life of, and this semester, we are doing the legal life of the Olympic Games, and we are studying all aspects of the law of the Olympics. All of the, semester long, we’ve been looking into issues like broadcasting rights and IP protections and anti-doping and sports arbitration and just anything that comes up in the Olympics. And we’ve had an amazing time doing that. And the culmination, for the class will be that we are going to the Olympics in July."
5. Moses listening to Ivory
6. Various of Moses speaking
7. Ivory listening to Moses
8. Student on laptop
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Moraima "Mo" Ivory, Law Professor, Georgia State University:
"And we have, multi gold medal winning Olympian Edwin Moses here with us today to wrap up the Olympic experience for us. Obviously he is a celebrated Olympian who has done so many things to advance the Olympic movement, and so we’re just really happy that he made time for us and that he’s here to talk to the students about, you know, just what it is like to be a gold medal winning Olympian and so much more because he’s been so involved in the Olympic movement from policy, to representation. He sits on many Olympic boards, and so it’s just really going to be a wonderful conversation we’re going to have on the final day."
10. Student listening
11. Moses speaking to class
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Moraima "Mo" Ivory, Law Professor, Georgia State University:
"Whether we’re studying the life of a musician or of a creative or television personality -the Olympics is no different in that it’s a worldwide sporting event, and there are many business and legal ramifications, and what I hope they walk away from is understanding what those are, being able to talk about it in their everyday legal practice life, and giving them a glimpse of what it’s like to be an attorney on either side of the table"
13. Wide of lecture hall
Once a year, law professor Moraima “Mo” Ivory usually brings celebrities like Steve Harvey, Ludacris and Rick Ross into her Georgia State University classroom for some entertainment legal talk. But this time, she’s taking her next lesson across the Atlantic Ocean, from Atlanta to the Paris Olympics.

Ivory and her law students will head to the Summer Games in late July for a weeklong, all-expenses-paid trip funded primarily by a Delta Airlines donation. The students in her Legal Life course will study the business and legal issues related to the Olympics.

“We normally have celebrities, but I wanted to move into the sports world,” said Ivory, the director of the school’s entertainment, sports and media law program, which she started in 2019. “I thought it would be interesting to study the Olympics as the focal point of the class and go through all the ramifications of the Games.”


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News post in July 8, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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