Malaysian court dismisses bid by jailed ex-PM Najib to serve graft sentence under house arrest

(3 Jul 2024)

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 3 July 2024
1. Mohamed Shafee Abdullah lawyer for Najib Razak arrival at press conference
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Mohamed Shafee Abdullah, Lawyer of Najib Razak:
“The court said there is no legal duty but in terms of ethics, the government should have answered.”
3. Shafee Abdullah taking to reporters
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Mohamed Shafee Abdullah, Lawyer of Najib Razak:
“If you say there is no addendum we don’t waste time. We don’t waste your time, if the government dare say, I’m using this word, if the government dare say openly there is no addendum we all can go back home and sleep.”
5. Local media
6. Shafee Abdullah leaving
7. Exteriors of Kuala Lumpur High Court
8. Signage (Malay): “Kuala Lumpur Court Complex.”
9. Malaysian Flag
10. Security
A Malaysian court Wednesday dismissed a bid by imprisoned former Prime Minister Najib Razak to serve his remaining sentence under house arrest.

In an application in April, Najib said he had clear information that Malaysia’s then-King issued an addendum order allowing him to finish his sentence under house arrest.

Najib claimed the addendum was issued during a January 29 pardon’s board meeting chaired by the King, which also cut his 12-year jail sentence by half and sharply reduced a fine.

Najib’s lawyer Mohamed Shafee Abdullah said outside the court Wednesday it was disappointing for the High Court to rule that the government has “no legal duty” to verify if such an order existed. He said Najib will file an appeal.

Najib, 70, has served less than two years of his sentence when it was commuted by the Pardons Board. His sentence is now due to end in August 2028.

He was charged and found guilty in a corruption case linked to the multibillion-dollar looting of state fund 1MDB.

The Pardons Board didn’t give any reason for its decision and wasn’t required to explain. But the move has prompted a public outcry on why Najib appeared to be given special privileges.

AP video by Syawalludin Zain


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News post in July 8, 2024, 6:04 am.

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