In Ecuador, Indigenous communities deliver bill to government, demanding autonomy over their lands

(2 Jul 2024)

Quito, Ecuador – 02 July 2024
1. Various of Indigenous people marching in Quito
2. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Leonidas Iza, President, Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador:
"The central objective of this proposed law contains more than 40 articles. The central objective is the respect for collective rights and one of the collective rights is the right to free, prior and informed consultation."
3. Leonidas Iza listening to reporter
4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Leonidas Iza, President, Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador:
"Therefore, it cannot continue to be territories of Indigenous peoples, territories that can be sacrificed. In this sense, we believe that at this moment we are open to the world. The world has seen with good eyes, for example, the issue of the popular consultation that was won with Yasuní. The world has seen with good eyes how we are offering for humanity to take care of the moorlands, the jungles, to guarantee a fight against climate change. But if there is no position from the States, our efforts become only and exclusively of the Indigenous peoples and here it is not a problem of the Indigenous peoples, but it is a problem of survival as a human species."
5. Signs (Spanish) ‘Las Pampas support this Law’, ‘Las Pampas says NO to Mineral extraction’
6. Banner (Spanish) ‘Burning, No to mining and yes to the Cotapaxi life!’
7. Various of march
8. Indigenous people outside Ecuador’s National Assembly
9. Various of Leonidas Iza, President of Ecuador’s Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities delivering bill to Alejandro Muñoz, Secretary of the National Assembly

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities delivered a bill on Tuesday to Ecuador’s National Assembly demanding autonomy over their lands.

They want to be consulted and to give consent before the initiation of projects such as oil and mineral exploitation on their lands.

The leaders of this Confederation, known as CONAIE, delivered the draft law to the secretary of the Assembly, Alejandro Muñoz.

After this, it must undergo a qualification process by the legislature before its treatment by a specialized commission and then by the plenary of the organism.

CONAIE’s President Leonidas Iza, explained that the proposed law has more than 40 articles whose central objective "is the respect for collective rights".

There have long been tensions between Indigenous peoples and the Ecuadorian state as authourities will often carry out consultations which lack detail in order to obtain community permits.

One of CONAIE’s main tenets is the protection of Pacha Mama, Mother Earth, which generates radical opposition to any state or private extraction initiative on their lands.

At the same time, dozens of illegal mining settlements operate near indigenous settlements in the Andean region, the coast and the Amazon.

The state carries out sporadic controls with significant results.

AP Video shot by Cesar Olmos


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News post in July 8, 2024, 12:04 am.

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