Election outcomes won’t change its Ukraine support, says UN General Assembly president

(3 Jul 2024)

Kyiv – 3 July 2024
1. Wide of UN General Assembly President Dennis Francis during interview
2. Close of hands
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Francis, UN General Assembly President:
"One thing I’m sure will not change, or perhaps two things. I am satisfied, I am convinced ,that the people of Ukraine will not give up. And change their approach to this war. They reject it. They will not accept it and they will not allow foreign domination of their homeland. The second thing that I am quite sure will not change is the widespread support of the General Assembly of the United Nations for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."
4. Various of Ukraine map on wall
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Francis, UN General Assembly President:
"As the president, I am obliged to remain faithful and to reflect those views and opinions in every conversation I have as it relates to the war in Ukraine. And I do so now again, I call on the Russian Federation to withdraw immediately all its military forces from the territory of Ukraine."
6. Various of Francis during interview
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Francis, UN General Assembly President:
"No country, no country, is allowed to use or to threaten the use of force in the conduct of international relations. And no country has the right to invade another country. That is not going to change. Those rules are not changing. The UN’s commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine will not change."
8. Various of Francis during interview
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Francis, UN General Assembly President:
"United Nations was set up partly to avoid war because of the costs and consequences of war. And so, anything that introduces the possibility of the establishing the peace, a solid peace, the General Assembly will robustly support as indeed we do the peace plan, put together by President Zelenskyy. We did discuss it. I think there are many important elements in it that can provide a foundation for dialogue when that time is appropriate. Let us see where it takes us."
10. Various of Francis during interview
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Francis, UN General Assembly President:
"It’s never too late and it’s never too early. Peace is the way. It’s the final solution. It’s the goal. It’s a commanding goal. A compelling goal, because with peace, we all win."
12. Close of pin on the chest of Francis

The U.N. General Assembly will keep standing up for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty whatever the outcome of national elections across the globe this year, the body’s president said Wednesday, adding that “no country has the right to invade another country.”

That stance “cannot change because this is a matter of law,” General Assembly President Dennis Francis told The Associated Press during his first visit to Ukraine as Kyiv’s forces battle Russia’s invasion for a third year.

The U.N.’s main policy-making body has given broad support for efforts to uphold Ukraine’s sovereignty, Francis said.

But elections this year in the U.S. and in a handful of key European Union countries have raised concerns about a potential shift in policies among Western nations whose military and financial support has been crucial for Ukraine to thwart the Kremlin’s ambitions.

“I am convinced that the people of Ukraine will not give up,” he said, whatever the election outcomes.

“They will not accept it and they will not allow foreign domination of their homeland.”

More than two years later, Moscow’s army is slowly seizing new land in eastern Ukraine.

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News post in July 8, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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