Early artwork by Titian with dramatic past offered for auction +REPLAY+

(2 Jul 2024)


LENGTH : 4:30


London, UK – 18 June 2024

1. Wide of Orlando Rock directing art handler with Titian’s ‘Rest on the Flight into Egypt’
2. Reverse angle of same
3. Close of handler straightening the painting
4. Mid zoom to ‘Rest on the Flight into Egypt’
5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Orlando Rock, chairman, Christie’s UK
"This is one of the most exciting pictures that Christie’s has ever handled and it’s a great privilege to have it here with us in July. It has a slightly chequered because in the 1990s it was actually on display in the state drawing room of Longleat House on the first floor and in the middle of the night somebody climbed up on a ladder and it was stolen out of its frame and it then disappeared. And there was huge concern about where it had ended up. But by some miracle and various long term negotiations it was eventually returned, after a reward was paid, in a blue and white plastic bag in a bus stop in Richmond (London). So it’s a rather surprising story."

6.  Pull focus of painting
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Orlando Rock, chairman, Christie’s UK
"I mean it’s very unusual to think that a picture of that value, of perhaps £15 or £25 million pounds was just there lying in a bus stop in London but I’m delighted to say it managed to survive without being damaged."

8. Wide to zoom of room housing the Titian painting
9. SOUNDBITE: (English) Orlando Rock, chairman, Christie’s UK
"So this is a very beautiful, small, devotional picture and it has this extraordinary appeal and as a result it’s something that’s been stolen not once but twice. So it was in the collection of the Archduke of Austria and when Napoleon’s troops entered into Vienna they actually stole this picture because Napoleon had the plan to set up an incredible Imperial Museum full of treasures including the horses from St Mark’s in Venice."

10. Wide pan right of Henry Pettifer approaching painting
11. Close of Henry Pettifer looking at Titian’s painting
12. SOUNDBITE: (English) Henry Pettifer, International Deputy Chairman of Old Master Paintings, Christie’s
"The earlier works are certainly known for being extremely poetic and you see in this picture very much a poetic quality, a subtlety, a treatment of a religious subject but in a very natural way. He obviously is a very long-lived artist, achieved incredible fame and was known in later life to paint on a very grand heroic scale. This is not a grand, heroic picture, something much more intimate, something that was probably intended for private devotion for a private patron. Something to be savoured within a domestic setting."

13. Tilt up of detail of ‘Rest on the Flight into Egypt’ showing Mary holding the baby Jesus
14. Close detail of Joseph watching over his family
15. Close pans right of detail of landscape in the background
16.  SOUNDBITE: (English) Henry Pettifer, International Deputy Chairman of Old Master Paintings, Christie’s
"The tenderness of the relationship between mother and child is something that really comes through in the picture. And also a sense of a sort of sadness in the Madonna about the idea that she’s prefiguring the destiny of the child and his ultimate demise. You sort of get a sense of that. "

17. Pull focus of Mary’s face
18. Wide exterior of Christie’s
19. Mid zoom to flag waving


An early Titian masterpiece that has been stolen and recovered twice is going under the hammer.

It is expected to sell for up to £25 million.


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News post in July 7, 2024, 3:04 am.

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