French Prime Minister says the National Rally is ‘at the gates of power’

(1 Jul 2024)

Paris, France – 30 June 2024
1. French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal emerges from prime minister’s residence into courtyard
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Gabriel Attal, French Prime Minister:
"Tonight’s lesson is that the far-right is at the gates of power. Never in our democracy has the National Assembly risked being dominated by the far-right and therefore our objective is clear: Prevent the National Rally from having an absolute majority in the second round, from dominating the National Assembly and from governing the country with their disastrous platform."
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Gabriel Attal, French Prime Minister:
"Not one vote should go to the National Rally. In these circumstances, France deserves that we don’t hesitate. Never. If we want to be up to the level of the French destiny, it is our moral duty to do everything to prevent the worst from coming."
French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal called on voters to prevent the far-right from gaining an absolute majority in parliament.

“Not a single vote must go to the National Rally. France does not deserve that,” said Attal, standing in front of the prime minister’s residence.

He twice described National Rally policy pledges as “disastrous”.

French President Emmanuel Macron, who named 35-year-old Attal as France’s youngest prime minister in January, dissolved parliament and called the surprise elections after the National Rally’s strong showing in European elections in June.

The far-right party came out ahead in Sunday’s first round with about a third of the vote, and a left-wing alliance came in second.

Macron’s alliance came in third, forcing his party and others into strategic decisions.

Among them, Attal said, is that candidates in the president’s centrist alliance who came in third will step down before the runoff on July 7.

Still, the National Rally isn’t there yet. With another torrid week of campaigning to come before the decisive final voting next Sunday, the election’s ultimate outcome remains uncertain.

AP video shot by Oleg Cetinic


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News post in July 6, 2024, 9:04 am.

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