Eighteen inmates escape prison in Pakistan-held Kashmir

(1 Jul 2024)

Rawalakot, Pakistan-controlled Kashmir (disputed region) – 1 July 2024
1. Exterior of prison, police officer entering, sign reading (Urdu) “District Jail Poonch Rawalakot"
2. Wide of street, police officer standing and police vehicles parked near prison
3. Police vehicle passing in front of camera
4. Police stopping people walking toward prison
5. Mid of police vehicles parked
6.SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Riaz Mughal, local police chief:
“We have to see, whose fault it is? Which people are guilty? Because of whose negligence these people went out? The important thing is that the two accused have been punished. Two days ago, they were sentenced to death. So, in these circumstances, all the prisoners are related to murder, they are related to article 302, some have been sentenced to death, some have been sentenced to life imprisonment, some have been sentenced to 14 years, seven years, so what is happening now is not absurd. We will investigate this; we have arrested seven people who are jail staff in this regard.”
7. Police standing outside prison
8. Various of prison police
9. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Aamir Javed, local businessman:
“This incident happened at quarter to 2 in the afternoon, after the gun shots, I reached here and informed the police, prisoners in a group escaped to the left side of the city and two to the right side of the city. After that, police reached and started their action. But so far, no arrest has been made.”
10. Pan left of the prison
Eighteen inmates, including some on death row, have escaped from a prison in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir after overpowering a guard with a pistol, Pakistani officials said on Monday.

Local police chief Riaz Mughal said one of the prisoners was shot and killed in the breakout from Rawalakot prison the previous day.

A massive search has been launched to trace and arrest all those inmates who fled the prison, Mughal said, authorities opened an investigation into what lead up to the prison break.

The prison’s chief and some other officers have already been dismissed from their post while some officials had been arrested for question, he said.

Mughal said six of the prisoners were on death row, while another three were serving life sentences.

Such jail breaks are rare in Pakistan, he said.

Officials say one of the inmates had a pistol that was used to overpower a guard and snatch the keys to the prison cells.

The disputed Himalayan region is divided between India and Pakistan, both armed with nuclear weapons.

The South Asian neighbors have fought three wars since their independence from British colonial rule in 1947.

AP video by Sajjad Qayum


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News post in July 6, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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