Suburban business owner gets taste of own medicine after plastering Detroit with nuisance signs

(28 Jun 2024)

Detroit – 28 June 2024
1. UPSOUND William Shaw removes signs from a utility pole as part of his court-mandated community service and says (English) “Don’t be like Shaw’s Plumbing, putting signs up. We’re going to rip them down”
2. SOUNDBITE (English) William Shaw, ordered to perform community service:
“They’re not going to back down. They will find you. They will come after you and your company. And they will make you pay for it. And that’s what I’m here doing right now. I’m going to be removing these signs behind me and helping the city control their blight.”
3. Shaw removes signs, tosses them on the ground, then begins to pick them up
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Katrina Crawley, City of Detroit:
“And so, this is just a small way to start, hopefully, the mindset change that you cannot come to the city of Detroit and disrespect the citizens by doing anything that you’re not supposed to do.”
5. Shaw takes down more signs
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Gail Tubbs, neighborhood resident:
“It’s just an added nuisance to the community, and we don’t want it.”
7. Shaw deposits signs into the back of a city truck
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Gail Tubbs, neighborhood resident:
“I think there are effective ways to advertise your companies. I want them to be successful, but they don’t have to do it on our poles, in our lawns and our berms that we didn’t ask for.”
9. Various of the sign-removal effort
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Gail Tubbs, neighborhood resident:
“What I’m hoping is sending a strong message that the city of Detroit and the citizens of Detroit, we do not need any more visual pollution and blight in our community. Flat out. Period. Don’t want it. Don’t need it. Go take it to your neighborhood.”
11. Shaw gathers signs and heads toward the city truck
William Shaw has a message for other business owners advertising their services on illegally posted signs in Detroit: “They will come after you and your company. And they will make you pay for it.”

As part of court-ordered community service for posting hundreds of signs promoting his suburban Detroit plumbing company, Shaw is required to remove similar placards from utility poles and elsewhere in the city.

“They’re not going to back down," Shaw said of Detroit blight enforcement officials as he yanked signs Friday from utility and other poles on the city’s northwest side.

Many street corners and city neighborhoods are plastered with signs offering “cash for homes” or “lawn services.”

The city said signs promoting Shaw’s Plumbing are a nuisance and that hundreds of them have been posted across Detroit. He has been cited with dozens of misdemeanors by Detroit’s Law Department. A judge ordered him to serve 40 hours of community service with the city’s Blight Remediation Division. Part of that includes removing signs illegally posted by others.

Mayor Mike Duggan’s administration has been aggressive in removing blight. Over the past decade, about 25,000 vacant or abandoned structures have been demolished. The city said it also has cleared about 90,000 tons of trash and illegally dumped debris from alleys across Detroit over the past four years.

Gail Tubbs is president of the O’Hair Park Community Association. She pressed the city to do something about the number of Shaw’s Plumbing signs.

“We do not need any more visual pollution and blight in our community,” Tubbs said Friday as Shaw ripped down signs in her neighborhood. “Flat out. Period. Don’t want it. Don’t need it. Go take it to your neighborhood.”

AP Video shot by Mike Householder

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News post in July 3, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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