PM Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai calls for cooperation as he casts his ballot in Mongolian election

(28 Jun 2024)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – 28 June 2024
1. Tracking shot of Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai arriving at a polling station
2. Various of Oyun-Erdene lining up to enter polling station
3. Entrance of polling station
4. Various of voters outside entrance
5. Close of camera screen showing Oyun-Erdene
6. Tracking shot of Oyun-Erdene walking into polling station
7. Wide of Oyun-Erdene speaking to reporters
8. SOUNDBITE (Mongolian) Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, Mongolian Prime Minister:
"We all know that if this order of interest is lost, the trust in the parliament and democracy will be weakened and there will be a silo between the government and the citizens. Unfortunately, after Zorig (Sanjaasürengiin Zorig, Mongolian politician) passed away, all these priorities and order of interests went in the opposite direction for a while."
9. Wide of Oyun-Erdene speaking to reporters
10. SOUNDBITE (Mongolian) Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, Mongolian Prime Minister:
"I hope that such a new page of cooperation between the government and citizens will be a revival of political enthusiasm, and together we will improve our cities, develop regionally, and restore our green structures. We should be more scientific. We should listen to our engineers. Politicians should not define everything. I hope that the new parliament will become a reflection of the society who can give voice to the people."
11. Wide of Oyun-Erdene leaving

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – 27 June 2024
12. Aerial shots of Ger District and downtown of Ulaanbaatar ++MUTE++

Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai on Friday called for a new page of cooperation between the government and citizens as he voted in parliamentary elections.

Oyun-Erdene told reporters that democracy and trust in parliament are weakened when personal interest is put ahead of the national interest.

"Unfortunately, after Zorig passed away, all these priorities and order of interests went in the opposite direction for a while,” Oyun-Erdene said referring to Sanjaasurengiin Zorig, a Mongolian politician who played a leading role in the country’s 1990 democratic revolution.

Mongolia became a democracy in 1990, ending more than six decades of one-party communist rule.

While people have welcomed the freedoms that came with end of the communist system, many have grown cynical of the parliament and its members, seeing them as working mainly to enrich themselves and their business associates.

This election took place after a constitutional reform last year that expanded the seats from 76 to 126 added some uncertainty to a system that has been monopolized by two political parties and plagued by corruption.

AP Video shot by Olivia Zhang, Ken Moritsugu, and Ng Han Guan


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