Mongolians in Ulaanbaatar express their opinions ahead of parliamentary election

(27 Jun 2024)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – 27 June 2024
1. Various of tourists taking photos in the rain in front of the statue of Genghis Khan
2. Various of guard standing under umbrella in front of the statue of Genghis Khan
3. SOUNDBITE (Mongolian) Baljinnyam Nemekhjargal, 32-year-old bank manger:
“I think the reforms were right. We don’t need a supermajority. Opposition should be strong too. Also, I think that the proportional system will diversify the parliament. During the previous election, I had a different thought which was that the ruling party should be dominant to show better performance. But this year my thoughts have changed.”
4. SOUNDBITE (Mongolian) Gantumur Dash, 62-year-old photographer:
“It was unnecessary. I don’t like that the number of corrupt members goes up from 76 to 126.”
5. Various of tourists taking photos in front of the statue of Damdin Sükhbaatar
6. Wide of man sitting on bench
7. Wide of back of resident and the statue of Damdin Sükhbaatar
8. Wide of Sukhbaatar Enkhjargal, Executive Director at Mongolian Information Development Association
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Sukhbaatar Enkhjargal, Executive Director at Mongolian Information Development:
“Definitely the geopolitical issue is the number one because we are bordering these two big countries. So, then because of geopolitical war etc., most of the people are worrying about that issue. Second, is the bureaucracy issue. We have the dominant party for the last eight years so then most of citizens really don’t know where we are going. Are we going back to communism or are we going to democracy? So it is become a little bit un-definite.”
10. Close of Enkhjargal
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Sukhbaatar Enkhjargal, Executive Director at Mongolian Information Development:
“I think the beginning of the democratic period, we’ve been quite successful. We’ve been like an oasis of democracy from Central Asia etc., but now we are really going back.”
12. Various of people in Mongolian traditional clothes taking photos
13. Wide of statue of Genghis Khan
14. SOUNDBITE (Mongolian) Gantumur Dash, photographer:
“We need democracy. Yet we are not pursuing it. It is almost worse than socialism. So I understand the people who miss socialism. During that time everyone had a full stomach, but now it is difficult. We have democracy only in appearance. Only a few are living luxurious lives and the rest of the population is poor.”
15. Various of traffic police officer directing traffic
16. Mid of traffic
17. Wide of an intersection
18. Wide of Mongolian national flag
Mongolians in Ulaanbaatar expressed their opinions Thursday on the country’s democracy ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The vote will be held on Friday for the first time since the body was expanded to 126 seats, adding some uncertainty to a process that has been monopolized by two political parties and plagued by corruption.

Parliament approved a constitutional change last year that added 50 seats and created two ways of electing members: 78 are chosen from 13 multimember constituencies and 48 are allocated to political parties depending on the percentage of the vote they get in the election.

“I think the reforms were right. We don’t need a supermajority. Opposition should be strong too," said 32-year-old Baljinnyam Nemekhjargal on Thursday, a day ahead of the vote.

"Also, I think that the proportional system will diversify the parliament,” he added.

“I don’t like that the number of corrupt members goes up from 76 to 126,” he said.

AP Video shot by Olivia Zhang.

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News post in July 2, 2024, 9:04 am.

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