Military flees Bolivia government palace after coup attempt fails, general taken into custody

(27 Jun 2024)

La Paz, Bolivia – 26 June 2024
1. Soldiers in Murillo square attempting a coup
2. Soldiers guard as an armored vehicle breaks through a door at the presidential palace
3. Then General commander of the Army Juan José Zúñiga enters the presidential palace
4. Bolivian President Luis Arce speaks with general commander of the Army Juan José Zúñiga
5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan José Zúñiga, then general commander of the Army:
"We want to reestablish democracy. It is enough that a few have taken it over. Look where they’ve taken us. Our children have no future. The people have no future. And the army does not lack balls to ensure the tomorrow of our children, the future of our children, the well-being and progress of our people."
6. Soldiers blocking entrance to Murillo square
7. Gas canisters being thrown back to the soldiers from the people supporting the government
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan José Zúñiga, then general commander of the Army:
"We are going to free absolutely all political prisoners. From Camacho (jailed politician Luis Fernando Camacho), Áñez (former jailed president Jeanine Áñez), the generals, the lieutenant colonels, the majors, the captains who are imprisoned. That is the request of the armed forces, of the common soldier, and we are going to fulfill it."
9. People chant UPSOUND (Spanish) "the people united won’t be defeated" as police removes soldiers from the square
10. Jhonny Aguilera, Interior vice minister, (wearing glasses) and other people push soldiers as they shout UPSOUND (Spanish) "out, out"
11. Armored vehicle leaving
12. Various of soldiers leaving
13. People chanting in support of president Luis Arce

New York, US – 26 June 2026
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Gustavo Flores-Macias, professor at Cornell University specializing in Latin America:
"Most people would characterize the events as, at least, the president getting in front of the armed forces himself and, and having this discussion with him, again, a heated discussion as, as certainly courageous. I mean, Latin America is full of examples in which presidents have been killed, shot by the armed forces, you know, in Chile and elsewhere, where we don’t have sort of this type of, of back and forth and in which the military is, sort of stepping back."

La Paz, Bolivia – 26 June 2024
15. Various of people singing the Bolivian national anthem
16. Various of soldiers
17. People supporting Arce gathering
Armored vehicles rammed the doors of Bolivia’s government palace Wednesday in an apparent coup attempt against President Luis Arce, but he vowed to stand firm and named a new army commander who ordered troops to stand down.

The soldiers later pulled back as supporters of Arce waved Bolivian flags and cheered in a central square.

In a video of Arce surrounded by ministers in the palace, the Bolivian leader said: "Here we are, firm in Casa Grande, to confront any coup attempt. We need the Bolivian people to organize.”

Arce confronted the general commander of the army — Juan José Zúñiga, who appeared to be leading the rebellion — in the palace hallway, as shown on video on Bolivian television. “I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers, and I will not allow this insubordination,” Arce said.

Before entering the government building, Zúñiga told journalists in the plaza: “Surely soon there will be a new Cabinet of ministers; our country, our state cannot go on like this." But, he said, “for now” he recognizes Arce as commander in chief.

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